December 9, 2011

The Wonders of Green Energy

Behold the wonders of green energy technology (see pictures below).

We're told that a good thing about wind turbines is they're mostly harmless to the environment, although large areas of land are required, and the environment-friendly turbines make for a very ugly environment (see below).

We're told that another good thing about wind turbines is they don't require manpower for operation, although when they catch on fire (see below), you'll need some firefighters and EMT folk to rescue anyone/anything hit by flaming debris (see below).

And we're told that wind turbines are a renewable resource, which is great, although make sure to stock up on candles for when the wind doesn't blow!

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Wind turbines generate power at the San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm in Whitewater, California (more here). Photo by Konrad Fiedler/Bloomberg; Courtesy:

Wind turbine in Scotland catches fire #1(a).jpg
A £2 million, 100 metre tall wind turbine catches fire in hurricane-force winds at Ardrossan, North Ayrshire, Scotland. The wind turbine was spinning so fast it caught fire. The engine of the giant turbine went up in flames and its blades were blackened by smoke. The turbine was one of 15 set up on hills overlooking the Scottish coast, built to supply green electricity to 20,000 homes. Courtesy: | Photo by: Stuart McMahon

Wind turbine in Scotland catches fire #2.jpg
Burning: The flaming debris from the wind turbines flew off into nearby fields due to the wind Courtesy: | Photo by: Stuart McMahon


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