Sweetening The Capitulation
IF Iran Cheats
Frontline Of Armageddon
December 21, 2015
Iranians Hack Rye Dam
It appears Iran has been probing vulnerabilities in the water system just outside New York City. In a previously undisclosed incident, Iranian hackers infiltrated the control system of a small dam in the village of Rye Brook, N.Y. in 2013 (see below).
"America's power grid, factories, pipelines, bridges and dams — all prime targets for digital armies — are sitting largely unprotected on the Internet," writes journalist Danny Yadron below.
"The incident at the New York [Rye Brook] dam was a wake-up call for U.S. officials, demonstrating that Iran had greater digital-warfare capability than believed and could inflict real-world damage."
Unfortunately, the US does not always learn what it should from "wake-up calls". In fact, if memory serves us correctly the US and world recently entered into a nuke deal with Iran, the source of this and MANY other cyber-intrusions and attacks throughout the world.
Perhaps one of these days, the mental giants in the White House and over at the State Dept will realize that making deals with pathological liars is never a good thing.
Wall Street Journal | December 20, 2015
Iranian Hackers Infiltrated New York Dam in 2013
Cyberspies had access to control system of small structure near Rye in 2013, sparking concerns that reached to the White House
By Danny Yadron
Iranian hackers infiltrated the control system of the Bowman Avenue Dam, a small structure used for flood control, near Rye, N.Y., in 2013. Photo: Jesse Neider for the WSJ
Iranian hackers infiltrated the control system of a small dam less than 20 miles from New York City two years ago, sparking concerns that reached to the White House, according to former and current U.S. officials and experts familiar with the previously undisclosed incident.
The breach came amid attacks by hackers linked to Iran’s government against the websites of U.S. banks, and just a few years after American spies had damaged an Iranian nuclear facility with a sophisticated computer worm called Stuxnet. In October 2012, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta called out Iran’s hacking, prompting fears of cyberwar.
The still-classified dam intrusion illustrates a top concern for U.S. officials as they enter an age of digital state-on-state conflict. America’s power grid, factories, pipelines, bridges and dams—all prime targets for digital armies—are sitting largely unprotected on the Internet. And, unlike in a traditional war, it is sometimes difficult to know whether or where an opponent has struck. In the case of the dam hack, federal investigators initially thought the target might have been a much larger dam in Oregon.
Many of the computers controlling industrial systems are old and predate the consumer Internet. In the early digital days, this was touted as a security advantage. But companies, against the advice of hacking gurus, increasingly brought them online in the past decade as a way to add “smarts” to U.S. infrastructure. Often, they are connected directly to office computer networks, which are notoriously easy to breach.
These systems control the flow in pipelines, the movements of drawbridges and water releases from dams. A hacker could theoretically cause an explosion, a flood or a traffic jam.The U.S. has more than 57,000 industrial-control systems connected to the Internet, more than any other country, according to researchers at Shodan, a search engine that catalogs each machine online. They range from office air-conditioning units to major pipelines and electrical-control systems.
Security experts say companies have done little to protect these systems from would-be hackers.
“Everything is being integrated, which is great, but it’s not very secure,” said Cesar Cerrudo, an Argentine researcher and chief technology officer at IOActive Labs, a security-consulting firm. At a hacker conference last year in Las Vegas, Mr. Cerrudo wowed the audience when he showed how he could manipulate traffic lights in major U.S. cities.
Operators of these systems “don’t think about security,” he said.
The threat of physical damage is real. Last winter, the German government said in a report that hackers broke into the control system at a domestic steel plant and caused “massive” damage to a blast furnace.
The U.S. and other governments use cyberweapons, too. In the early years of President Barack Obama’s term, the U.S. and Israel used a sophisticated computer program to disable centrifuges at Iran’s nuclear facility at Natanz, according to former U.S. officials. The virus unintentionally self-replicated and spread to other networks, including systems at Chevron Corp. Executives at the oil company said no damage occurred.
The Department of Homeland Security has publicly warned industrial companies since 2011 to be more judicious in how they connect these systems to the Internet. One 2014 missive said the devices are poorly protected, “further increasing the chances of both opportunistic and targeted” hacking attempts.
For the 12 months ended Sept. 30, the department had received and responded to reports of 295 industrial-control-system hacking incidents, up from 245 for fiscal year 2014, according to agency statistics shared with The Wall Street Journal. The problem doesn’t appear to be getting better. In June, the department said a “critical infrastructure asset owner” who suspected a breach hadn’t kept records of devices on its network, hindering the investigation.
Most of the time, the hackers appear to be probing systems to see how they are laid out and where they can get in, investigators familiar with the incidents said.
The incident at the New York dam was a wake-up call for U.S. officials, demonstrating that Iran had greater digital-warfare capability than believed and could inflict real-world damage, according to people familiar with the matter. At a congressional hearing in February, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper called Iranian hackers “motivated and unpredictable cyber actors.” Iranian officials didn’t respond to a request for comment.
The 2013 dam hack highlighted another challenge for America’s digital defenses: the fog of cyberwar. Amid a mix of three-letter agencies, unclear Internet addresses and rules governing domestic surveillance, U.S. officials at first weren’t able to determine where the hackers had infiltrated, three of the people familiar with the incident said.
Hackers are believed to have gained access to the dam through a cellular modem, according to an unclassified Homeland Security summary of the case that doesn’t specify the type of infrastructure by name. Two people familiar with the incident said the summary refers to the Bowman Avenue Dam, a small structure used for flood control near Rye, N.Y.
Investigators said hackers didn’t take control of the dam but probed the system, according to people familiar with the matter.
Homeland Security said it doesn’t comment on specific incidents. Spokesman S.Y. Lee said the department’s “Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team responds to cyber incidents, vulnerabilities and threats” to critical infrastructure across the U.S.
U.S. intelligence agencies noticed the intrusion as they monitored computers they believed were linked to Iranian hackers targeting American firms, according to people familiar with the matter. U.S. officials had linked these hackers to repeated disruptions at consumer-banking websites, including those of Capital One Financial Corp., PNC Financial Services Group and SunTrust Banks Inc., the Journal reported at the time.
Intelligence analysts then noticed that one of the machines was crawling the Internet, looking for vulnerable U.S. industrial-control systems. The hackers appeared to be focusing on certain Internet addresses, according to the people.
Analysts at the National Security Agency relayed these addresses to counterparts at Homeland Security, the people said.
Eventually, investigators linked one address to a “Bowman” dam. But there are 31 dams in the U.S. that include the word “Bowman” in their name, according to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers records.
Officials feared that hackers breached the systems at the Arthur R. Bowman Dam in Oregon, a 245-foot-tall earthen structure that irrigates local agriculture and prevents flooding in Prineville, Ore., population: 9,200. The White House was notified of the discovery, on the belief that it was a new escalation in the ongoing digital conflict with Iran, three people familiar with the incident said.
In response to a request for comment, the White House referred The Wall Street Journal to Homeland Security.
Eventually, the trail led to the Bowman Avenue Dam, the people said, near the village of Rye Brook, N.Y., a 20-foot-tall concrete slab across Blind Brook, about 5 miles from Long Island Sound. It was built in the mid-20th century for ice production, according to municipal documents.
“It’s very, very small,” said Marcus Serrano, the manager of the neighboring larger city of Rye. In 2013, Mr. Serrano said, several FBI agents appeared at city offices and wanted to speak to the city’s information-technology manager about a hacking incident at the dam. “There was very little discussion,” Mr. Serrano said.
Chris Bradbury, administrator for the village of Rye Brook, said, “I couldn’t comment on that.”
The FBI declined to comment.
Original article here.
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