Jews of Europe: Get Out Now
Europe Aids & Abets... Again
Brits Reverting To Chamberlainism
Europe Simply Being Europe
December 12, 2014
An Obsession
During the Europe-Israel panel at The Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference in Jerusalem on Thursday, Danish Ambassador Jesper Vahr pontificated about how Europe should apply a double standard to Israel when judging its actions compared to other Middle Eastern nations, "because you are one of us."
Caroline Glick responded by telling Ambassador Vahr exactly what she thought about Europe's "obsession" with Israel and the Jews:
"I consider Europe's keen interest in the Middle East, specifically Israel, to be an obsession," she said. "It is an obsession that Jews have seen from Europeans from the time of Jesus."
To which we say: You go, girl!
Listen to the clip below, and hear Caroline tell it like it is.
Danish Ambassador & Caroline Glick Exchange Verbal Blows Over EU Attitude Toward Israel:
And for those interested in hearing the ENTIRE panel discussion, it can be heard here:
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Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).