March 24, 2013

Turkish Piece of Work

Like clockwork (of the Turkish kind), Israel’s apology to Turkey is working out exactly as we had anticipated, despite most people’s initial (and in some cases, continuing) euphoria…

Below are some updates to Friday’s posting “Middle East Bonanza."

So as Turkey continues to backtrack on its agreement with Israel, we'd like to offer special thanks to U.S. President Barack Obama, for bringing to Israel what he has excelled at as President of the United States, i.e., bowing and appeasing.

The world is watching, Mr. Obama, including our enemies...

Times of Israel  |  March 23, 2013

Erdogan Backtracks On Understandings With Netanyahu

Day after Israeli PM's apology phone call, Turkish leader says it's not yet time to drop case against 4 IDF generals over Marmara deaths, won't send new envoy yet, will visit Gaza

By Yifa Yaacov

Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan appeared to backtrack Saturday on understandings reached with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a dramatic US-brokered phone call Friday on healing ties between Ankara and Jerusalem.

Erdogan said Saturday it was too early to cancel legal steps against Israeli soldiers who took part in the raid on the Mavi Mamara.

According to the Hurriyet daily, Erdogan also said the exchange of ambassadors between Israel and Turkey would not take place immediately.

“We will see what... more here.

Reuters  |  March 24, 2013

Erdogan Says Israeli Apology Shows Turkey's New Clout


(Reuters) - Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday an Israeli apology for the 2010 deaths of nine Turkish pro-Palestinian activists that was brokered by President Barack Obama met Turkey's conditions and signaled its growing regional influence.

"We are entering a new period in both Turkey and the region," said Erdogan, who plans to visit the Palestinian territories, including the Gaza Strip, next month.

"We are at the beginning of a process of elevating Turkey to a position so that it will again have a say, initiative and power, as it did in the past."  ...More here

Times of Israel  |  March 24, 2013

Normalization With Israel Not A Done Deal, Erdogan Says

Livni unfazed after Turkish PM says relations will be warmed only after Israel lits Gaza blockade and compensates families of Marmara victims

By Yifa Yaacov and Ilan Ben Zion

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan (photo credit: AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

Confirming an apparent backtrack on reconciling differences with Israel, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan reiterated Sunday that normalized relations with Jerusalem would only happen if Israel implemented its side of an ostensible new bargain with Turkey.

“We have said: ‘An apology will be made, compensation will be paid and the blockade on Palestine will be lifted.’ There will be no normalization without these,” Erdogan said, clarifying that Turkey would not return its ambassador to Israel right away. “Normalization will happen the moment there is an implementation.” ...More here


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