Russian Reset Palooza
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IF Iran Cheats
September 8, 2015
The Russians Have Landed
Below is “picture proof” that Russia has troops on the ground all over Syria helping dictator Bashar Al-Assad - and they've been there since APRIL, despite denials from Russian president Vladimir Putin.
The U.S. has asked Greece to deny Russia the use of its airspace for supply flights to Syria, a Greek official said on Monday, after Washington told Moscow it was “deeply concerned” by reports of a Russian military build up in Syria.”
And with that, the U.S. administration has done its part, i.e., it has expressed deep concern, as it does with respect to most national security threats facing the world today.
In fact, crack negotiator, Secretary of State John Kerry, told his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on Saturday that if reports of the build-up were accurate, that could further escalate the war and risk confrontation with the U.S.-led coalition, which is currently bombing (aka degrading) ISIS in Syria.
Like most of the world, however, Lavrov and Russia do not appear to be overly-concerned with America’s deep concerns.
Meanwhile, on the Iran front, the Obama administration is poised to push through Congress the Iran nuclear deal, despite the deep concerns of many in Congress and U.S. allies in the Middle East.
But no need for concern, says the Obama administration. Despite being surprised and concerned today by a Russian military build-up that's been going on for MONTHS, Obama et al will know if and when Iran cheats on the nuclear deal. Got it?
Daily Mail | September 8, 2015
EXCLUSIVE: First picture 'proof' that Russia has troops on the ground all over Syria helping dictator Bashar Al-Assad - and they've been there since APRIL
• Images showing Russians troops in Syria posted on social media accounts
• Some have been taken at Russia's small naval facility in Tartus, Syria
• But forces seen at other locations and pictures have been taken since April
• Pregnant woman complained on social media that her Russian marine husband is being deployed to the country for 'three to eight months'
• Pictures will infuriate Western leaders in the face of official Russian denials
By Will Stewart
These revealing pictures apparently show how Russian troops are already on the ground in Syria as Vladimir Putin allegedly defies the West.
The images showing boots on the ground were originally posted on social media accounts of military personnel, but some were then hastily withdrawn once they began being noticed.
The shocking pictures will be seen as proof that despite official denials from the Russian president Vladimir Putin, he has deployed increasing numbers of troops to help prop up the regime of Syrian premier Bashar Al-Assad.
The pictures will infuriate western leaders who have called for the removal of Assad during the four-year civil war that has devastated the country, forced four million people to flee their homes and led to the terrifying rise of ISIS.
Until recently, this facility was guarded by as few as four Russian military personnel it has been claimed, in stark contrast to the numbers now visible.
Russian troops pose in front of a picture of Putin and Assad in Syria (left) and a soldier is pictured next to a 4x4 vehicle adorned with the Syrian flag in Tartus (right), posted online by Pavel Nasilnov on August 27.
Social media: This photograph, taken in Homs Governorate, Syria, was posted online by Sergei Tsyplakov.
This picture taken in Tartus, Syria, where a small Russian naval facility is based, was posted on social media by Eduard Lasenko.
Pictures of Russian troops taken across western Syria have been uploaded to social media. A video from Syria supposedly filmed on August 23 during the battle of the port of Latakia also shows an ultramodern Russian-made infantry combat vehicle.
One picture posted this week by 19-year-old Ivan Strebkov - who serves in the Alexander Nevsky Marine Brigade, based in Baltiysk on Russia's Baltic coast - shows four heavily armed troops at Russia's small but longstanding Tartus naval facility in Syria.
However, the Russian forces are also seen at other locations in the war-torn country, and the pictures have been taken since April, suggesting a gradual build up.
Another image shows nine Russian soldiers around a fire in a blitzed building in Homs, some 60 miles east of the Tartus naval port.
A picture posted by Alexei Khabarov shows a Russian soldier in Arab headgear at Hama, 90 miles from Tartus.
An image posted by Sergei Alexandrov taken on July 27 appears to show a Russian soldier in a trench in Halab - or Aleppo - in war-ravaged northern Syria, 150 miles from Tartus.
Another posted by Sergei Boroda last month shows a bearded fighter in a military encampment in al-Soda - also known as al-Sawda - around ten miles northeast of Tartus.
An photograph posted by Nikoli Kazakov shows soldiers apparently arriving in Syria in April, long before recent concern that led US Secretary of State John Kerry to challenge his U.S. opposite number Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov over the Russian troops in Syria.
An undated image highlights two Russian soldiers posing beside a poster of presidents Assad and Putin.
And a pregnant Russian woman appeared to have let the cat out of the bag when she complained on social media that her husband, a marine in Putin's armed forces, has been deployed to Syria.
This image of a soldier posing in front of a picture of Assad in Tartus was posted online by Nikita Saveliev.
A soldier pictured in Latakia, posted online by Alexei Mikhailov (left) and another in Aleppo uploaded by Sergei Alexandrov on July 27 (right).
Troops give a thumbs up and hold a Syrian flag in this picture taken in Tartus and posted online by Evgeny Dolgarev on May 9.
A frantic Russian woman has complained on a social media account that her husband - a marine in Vladimir Putin's armed forces - has been sent on a long term military posting to Syria.
'I know it is dangerous there, but nothing depends on me and nobody is asking if I want him to go there,' she said.
Her words appear to let the cat out of the bag over Putin's military deployment to support struggling Damascus dictator Bashar Assad.
Yulia pictured with her husband Yury Artamonov, who she says is being sent to Syria for up to eight months.
Yury Artamonov, a marine in Vladimir Putin's armed forces, has been sent on a posting to Syria, according to his wife.
Yulia, 31, she said her husband Yury Artamonov served in the Black Sea naval fleet and that his mission to Syria could be from three to eight months.
'The only thing left for me is pray,' she wrote in a social media account that she has now deleted.
'To pray that nothing happens to him, to see him back home safe and sound and healthy and better earlier than in three months - but there are rumours that they are going there for eight months.
'And it means it will be right at the time I will give birth, and maybe even after.'
Answering a question on whether she was sure he was on such a mission, she replied on September 3: 'Actually they are not allowed to disclose it.
'But it appears that they are going to guard either an airport or an aerodrome or to guard somebody. But he said it was a combat mission.
'That's what to think about.'
Yulia said of her husband Yury: 'There are rumours that they are going there for eight months. And it means it will be right at the time I will give birth, and maybe even after.'
In a posting on another social media account, she wrote alongside a picture of her with her husband: 'Tomorrow you will go away for three months, minimum.
'The Russian army has no mercy for anyone! God, how long and hard it is, but it is needed for something and we'll survive it. As always, by the way.'
Russian commentators have concluded that her husband - whose military base is Sevastopol in Crimea - is being sent to secure an air base at Latakia.
While Russia has long supplied weaponry to Damascus, a Cold War ally, the naval resupply facility of Tartus is not designated a military base and Moscow has not previously had a significant military presence in Syria.
Despite this, there are claims of a rising number of visits to Tartus from the Nikolai Filchenkov - a large assault landing ship - and other Russian naval vessels.
The vessel was pictured on September 2 and is believed to be carrying equipment from the 810th non-divisional marine brigade, based in Sevastopol in Crimea. One marine from the 810th posted his social media status as: 'Gone to Syria'.
The collection of images have been seized on by critics to claim that Putin has taken a major decision to boost his military presence in Syria in support of the country's autocratic president Assad.
The photographs suggest serving Russian forces have been in Syria since April at least.
Blogger Nikolay Makhno gathered together a collection of pictures from the social media accounts of alleged serving Russian soldiers.
Troops pictured at Tartus naval facility (left), posted online by Iliya Kozlov on September 2, and another in Tartus uploaded by Dmitry Nesterenko (right) on June 25.
Evgeny Fedotov posted this picture on May 24, taken in the central park in Tartus Syria, where the Russians have naval facilities.
'The Russian president's press-secretary Dmitry Peskov has denied the reports of Western media about the participation of Russian army in fighting in Syria,' he said.
'At the same time, photographs of Russian soldiers prove that they keep arriving to fight for Assad.
'Not just 'instructors' are going there - but entire groups of special forces and marines.
'The majority of them are coming via Tartus, but they can also be seen in Homs, Latakia, Damask, Ail As-Soda, Salamia, Ham.
'Some army units are serving in Syria for four-to-six months, and sometimes they mask themselves like Arabs.'
The blogger from Kiev likened the build-up to the deployment of Russian forces in eastern Ukraine, which was resolutely denied by Moscow.
This video from Syria supposedly filmed on August 23 during the battle of the port of Latakia shows an ultramodern Russian-made infantry combat vehicle.
A soldier stands on a ship holding the Syrian flag in this photograph posed online by Dmitry Glezdnev on July 8.
Troops are photographed on a ship in Gamal Abdel Nasser, Latakia, posted online by Nikolai Kazako on April 1.
The European Leadership Network, a group made up of members from both Russia and Europe, has warned that relations are heading towards Cold War levels of hostility following events in Ukraine
Diplomatic and military leaders are calling on Russia and the West to 'urgently' begin talks to prevent conflicts being accidentally triggered by an increasing number of military exercises and encounters.
The European Leadership Network (ELN), a group made up of members from both Russia and Europe, has warned that relations are heading towards Cold War levels of hostility following events in Ukraine.
Meanwhile, the United States has asked Greece to deny Russia the use of its airspace for supply flights to Syria, a Greek official said on Monday, after Washington told Moscow it was deeply concerned by reports of a Russian military build up in Syria.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on Saturday that if reports of the build-up were accurate, that could further escalate the war and risk confrontation with the U.S.-led alliance which is currently bombing Islamic State in Syria.
Lavrov told Kerry it was premature to talk about Russia's participation in military operations in Syria, a Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman told RIA Novosti yesterday.
The ELN released a statement shortly after Russian military units were scrambled from their bases as part of snap drills ordered by president Vladimir Putin, the latest in a series of war games amid tensions with the West.
The Independent reports the ELN wants to reconvene the Nato-Russia Council, which was suspended by the Western Alliance after Putin announced the annexation of Crimea last year, and create clear new guidelines for military exercises by both sides to avoid misunderstandings and potential clashes.
The proposal has been backed by senior diplomatic and military figures including two former Nato secretary generals, the former head of the British military General Lord Richards and former foreign and defence secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind.
Ian Kearns, director of ELN, told the newspaper: 'The experience and credibility of those endorsing the recommendations of our recent task force suggests that the danger in the current situation is real and cannot be dismissed.
'The situation is now so bad that we need to re-learn some Cold War lessons on the art of confrontation management between nuclear armed states and alliances.'
The Russian Defence Ministry said their planned manoeuvres will last for five days and involve forces of the Central Military District, with a group of forces spreading from the Volga River all the way to eastern Siberia, along with air force and airborne units.
General Sergei Koshelev briefed foreign military attaches about the exercise, saying they are aimed to check the troops' combat readiness and do not threaten any country.
He described the exercises as 'another snap check, similar to those that have been held in the past and will be held in the future'.
The Greek foreign ministry said the US request to deny Russia airspace is being examined.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow would not give any official reaction until there was a decision from Athens.
Russia, which has a naval maintenance facility in the Syrian port of Tartus, has sent regular flights to Latakia, which it has also used to bring home Russian nationals who want to leave.
Lavrov also confirmed Russia had always provided supplies of military equipment to Syria, saying Moscow 'has never concealed that it delivers military equipment to official Syrian authorities with the aim of combating terrorism'.
Russia has been trying to build a wide coalition including Damascus to fight Islamic State, which was reported on Monday to have captured an oil field from government forces near the city of Palmyra.
But the idea has been rejected by enemies including the United States and Saudi Arabia, who see Assad as part of the problem.
A senior U.S. official told Reuters on Saturday that American authorities have detected 'worrisome preparatory steps', including transport of prefabricated housing units for hundreds of people to a Syrian airfield, that could signal that Russia is preparing to deploy heavy military assets there.
The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Moscow's exact intentions remained unclear but that Kerry called Lavrov to leave no doubt about the U.S. position.
'The families of Russian soldiers will try to find out where their husbands are spending their holidays - in Ukraine or in Syria,' he wrote.
The images do not prove Russians are directly involved in fighting but suggest Putin's troops are on the ground in a number of locations in Syria.
Separately, a video from Syria supposedly filmed on August 23 during the battle of the port of Latakia shows an ultramodern Russian-made infantry combat vehicle 82A with an 2A72 30mm cannon.
There are claims Russian speech is heard in the video. The vehicle is painted in colours and there is an identification number in Russian style.
Claims today made by independent radio station Echo Moscow say the following shouts were heard in Russian: 'Let's do! Throw it! Do it again! Let's do it again!'
A soldier poses with women by a plain in Damascus, Syria, in a picture posted by Alexei Karpovich on April 9.
Alexei Khabarov posted this picture taken in Hama Governorate on April 21 (left) and two soldiers pose for a picture uploaded by Alexei Arabov on July 17.
Nikolai Filchenkov assault landing ship pictured in the Syrian port of Tartu on 2 Sept. It is believed to be carrying equipment from the 810th non-divisional marine brigade, based in Sevastopol in Crimea. One marine from the 810th posted his social media status as 'Gone to Syria'.
The report concluded that the 'Russian speaking crew' deployed in a new and 'rare' combat vehicle was seeking to prevent Latakia falling to Assad's foes.
'In March, Assad has lost Idlib, in April - Jisr Shughur, and Latakia is a strategic fort, the biggest port in Syria,' stated the report.
'The international airport is there which is also a military base. If Assad loses Latakia, he will soon lose the control of this aviation base, and Tartus is not far from there.'
Recently there were reports citing anonymous U.S. intelligence officials stating Russia has set up an air traffic control tower and transported prefabricated housing units for as many as 1,000 personnel to an airfield serving Latakia.
In the pictures, one soldier called Fedor Shmatko was pictured in April serving in Syria. But later he changed his social media account name to Denis Smoldyrev, deleting pictures linked to Syria.
A soldier poses with his arms across his body in Tartus in this picture uploaded by Leonid Bratersky on June 2.
A bearded fighter pictured in a military encampment in al-Soda - also known as al-Sawda - around ten miles northeast of Tartus. It was uploaded by Sergei Boroda on August 3.
Two men wearing army fatigues pose for a photo with cigarettes in this picture posted by Leonid Bratersky.
Another wielding a Kalashnikov, called Nikita Saveliev, has since deleted his account on Vkontakte, a Russian social media network.
If Putin is engaged in a covert build up, as happened in Ukraine, according to the West, it could backfire, say Moscow experts.
'After the Soviet operation in Afghanistan, our public opinion has certain prejudices against sending troops to fight for ideals that are foreign to us,' Nikolai Kozhanov, of the Moscow Carnegie Centre, told The Moscow Times today.
Kerry expressed fears about an 'enhanced Russian buildup' in Syria.
'The Russian side has never concealed the fact that it is sending military equipment to the Syrian authorities to help them fight terrorism,' retorted Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.
This picture of four soldiers taken in Syria was posted on social media by Dmitry Glezdnev on July 8.
There are claims of a rising number of visits to Tartus from the Nikolai Filchenkov - a large assault landing ship - and other Russian naval vessels.
The large assault landing ship Nikolai Filchenkov in Tartus port is loaded with Russian military hardware.
Putin said recently it was premature to talk about Russia taking part in military operations against the Islamic State jihadist group.
And earlier this month, Putin claimed Assad is ready to hold snap parliamentary elections and could share power with a 'healthy' opposition.
'We really want to create some kind of an international coalition to fight terrorism and extremism,' Putin told journalists on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum last week, saying he had spoken to U.S. President Barack Obama on the matter.
'We are also working with our partners in Syria. In general, the understanding is that this uniting of efforts in fighting terrorism should go in parallel to some political process in Syria itself,' Putin said.
'And the Syrian president agrees with that, all the way down to holding early elections, let's say, parliamentary ones, establishing contacts with the so-called healthy opposition, bringing them into governing,' he said.
Original article here.
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Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).