Islamic Doctrine of 'Creative Lying'
Instead Say "Martyrdom-Seeking Operation"
Another Fake Photo
Royal Liars
June 27, 2012
Preview Of Coming Attractions
Behold the guy from Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, i.e., Nader Amram of the Peace and Freedom Party, in the video interview below. Besides the fact that neither the MB, or for that matter Mr. Amram would know what democracy or “freedom” looked like even if it hit them in the face, we're all very familiar with Islamic doctrines of 'creative lying' (i.e., tawriya and taqiyya), which is exactly what Mr. Amram did in the interview.
Who, pray tell, are the “unarmed” folks in Gaza whom Amram refers to in the interview? The ones lobbing missiles into Israel on a daily basis?
As we wrote yesterday, get ready to rumble, folks, because Islamism is NOT conducive to freedom or peace, and Egypt is on the precipice of becoming an Islamic state.
The Blaze | June 27, 2012
Brotherhood-Affiliated Egyptian Official Has Anti-Semitic Outburst On Live TV After Learning An Israeli Is On The Program
By Mytheos Holt
Ever since the so-called Arab Spring first had its inception, the amount of apologias for the Muslim Brotherhood and other organizations involved in that supposedly enlightened and revolutionary event reached something of a critical mass. Yet despite being a critical mass, it quite obviously was not analyzed critically. In fact, now that Egypt has begun its path towards a new state unencumbered by the remnants of the previous Mubarak regime, Westerners are seeing more and more cause for concern, especially where the Muslim Brotherhood's virulent antisemitism is concerned.
Nevertheless, until now, no Muslim Brotherhood operative had actually outed himself as an outright antisemite on a Western television show. In that respect, Nader Amram, of Egypt's Peace and Freedom Party's foreign relation's committee, is truly a trailblazer. The Weekly Standard reports:
News channel France 24 hosted a panel Monday night to discuss Egypt's first civilian president, the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi. One of the guests on the panel, via satellite from Cairo, was Nader Amram, a member of the Freedom & Justice Party's foreign relations committee. (The Freedom & Justice Party (FJP) is the Muslim Brotherhood's political party.)
When Amram learned that an Israeli journalist was also included on the panel, he protested that he had not been informed beforehand that he would have to appear with an Israeli. He then launched into a mini-diatribe about how Israel is the real problem in the Middle East and refused to discuss matters further with the Israeli.
Amram's unwillingness to take part in a discussion with an Israeli is a good indication of the possible troubles ahead in relations between Egypt and Israel. When the panel's host pointed out that the two countries are at peace, Amram said he was not speaking for his country, just himself. The problem is that the Brotherhood certainly has many, many more men like Amram in its ranks. Anti-Semitism is in the Brotherhood's DNA.
The disingenuousness of Amram's disclaimer regarding his personal opinions notwithstanding, the fact remains that if an individual with enough clout in Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood can believe these things, anyone can believe them. This lends credence to the Standard's charge that racial bigotry is in the bloodstream of Egypt's new governing class. And when bigotry is in the blood, bloodshed is practically inevitable.
Some may argue that political disagreements motivated Amram's reaction. However, if this is so, we would humbly suggest that this is simply a less heinous excuse for what amounts to childish plugging of the ears. Political disagreement does not foreclose a politically productive conversation – just look at Marco Rubio's discussion with Jon Stewart on Monday night. Plugging one's ears and humming over differences of political/national identity is perilously close to an invitation for violence.
But then, given the previous record of the Muslim brotherhood, perhaps violence has already kicked in the door to power in Egypt.
Original article here.
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Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).