March 22, 2012

Ethnic Cleansing Of Christians

They do it in Egypt, they do it in Nigeria, they do it in Somalia, Iran, Lebanon, and everywhere they can. Now they're doing it in Syria. So who are they? Read below.

In fact, persecution of Christians in the Islamic world is "on its way to reaching epidemic proportions." For a more comprehensive list of countries where Christians are being persecuted, read Raymond Ibrahim's "Muslim Persecution of Christians: February 2012."  It's chilling.

Catholic World News  |  March 21, 2012

Islamic Forces Target Christians In Syria

Syrian Archbishop Giuseppe Nazzaro of Aleppo.jpg
Syrian Archbishop Giuseppe Nazzaro of Aleppo (Photo: 
Commons / Courtesy: 

Islamic extremists are engaged in "ethnic cleansing" of Christians in the Syrian city of Homs, local sources tell the Fides news service.

Militants with links to Al Qaida have reportedly driven 90% of the Christians out of the city, going door-to-door to inform families that they must leave immediately.

Archbishop Giuseppe Nazzaro, the apostolic nuncio in Syria, says that he cannot confirm the reports from Homs, but can report that Christians are facing increasing pressure in other parts of the country. The acts of violence against Christian targets, he says, are "bad signs for religious minorities."

With the Syrian regime facing heavy pressure from rebel forces, Archbishop Nazzaro says, "In this situation Islamist and terrorist movements are making headway." 

Original article here.


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Posted by AlanL from Katonah, NY on
It is both unfortunate and to be expected that the general US media is not covering this story thoroughly.
Posted by on
That's because it doesn't fit in with the MSM's narrative. Now if it was a slight to Muslims, we'd be hearing about it ad nauseum.