July 26, 2012

The Victim Did It

YIKES, t’was the Israelis who perpetrated the Bulgarian bus bombing that claimed the lives of five Israelis and a Bulgarian bus driver last week! At least according to a nation of great integrity and upstanding moral principles, i.e., Iran (see below).

After all, we all know about the proclivity of Israelis/Jews to blow themselves up, right? Oh wait, that talent is reserved to Islamists (and the 72 virgins awaiting them in Paradise), and terrorist-sponsoring Islamic nations like Iran. 

Ridiculous? You betcha, although Britain’s Telegraph newspaper obviously finds it newsworthy, as it appears in their News rather than Funnies section.  |  July 26, 2012

Iran Accuses Israel Over Bulgaria Bombing

Iran has accused Israel of perpetrating the Bulgarian bus bombing that claimed the lives of six people last week.

By Matthew Day, Warsaw

Bulgarian bombing.jpg
A suicide bomber carried out an attack that killed seven people in a bus transporting Israeli tourists in Bulgaria Photo: Reuters / Courtesy:

The July 18 blast in the town of Burges killed five Israeli tourists and a Bulgarian bus driver, and left over 20 injured.

"Such a terrorist operation could only be planned and carried out by the same regime whose short history is full of state terrorism operations and assassinations aimed at implicating others for narrow political gains," said Mohammad Khanate, Iran's ambassador to the UN.

He added that there were many examples of when Israel had killed "its own citizens or innocent Jewish people in order to blame others", and said it was suspicious that Israel had accused Iran of masterminding the bombing so soon after the attack.

But Haim Waxman, Israel's deputy ambassador to the UN, dismissed the accusation, saying it was "appalling but hardly surprising" given that it came from the same government that denies the Holocaust.

As the hunt for the organisers of the attack continued, Rosen Plevneliev, Bulgaria's president, acknowledged the country has a "serious problem" with its national security. Addressing parliament he said Bulgaria needed to take immediate measures to ensure against further terrorist attacks.

The president's acknowledgement of security failings follows criticism of Bulgaria's counter-terrorism policy.

In an interview for Bulgarian Radio, Isaac Yafet, former head of security at El Al, said video footage of the suspected bomber taken at Burgas airport showed clearly that there was "nothing normal about his behaviour". This, he explained, should have been noticed by security staff.

Just who the bomber was remains a mystery. The Bulgarian press ran stories citing sources in the investigation alleging the man might have been Belgian despite speaking very good Russian. Papers have speculated that he might also have been a "mule" and was unaware that the bomb he was carrying was going to be triggered by remote control.

Original article here.


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