As We See It

World Begins Anew Every Day

June 21, 2019

Ilhan Omar

For Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, the world must start fresh every day, as history doesn't exist.


Renewables Versus Modern Civilization?

May 10, 2019

Energy-Der Spiegel

Why is it that renewables can't power modern civilization? Because they were never meant to, and...


The New York Slimes

May 3, 2019


Many are surprised, but they shouldn’t be about Jew-hating cesspool, the New York Times. Its most recent publication of anti-Semitic cartoons is not...


US To Buy Israel's Iron Dome

February 8, 2019

Iron Dome

The U.S. Army announced on Wednesday that it will purchase an unspecified number of Israel's Iron Dome short-range missile defense systems.


Why They Hate

February 2, 2019

Ireland-Israel hatred

Ireland has become the most extreme Israel-bashing country in the West. Why is Ireland so consumed by an obsessive hatred of Israel, which it regularly displays?


Reading The American Press In Arabic

November 2, 2018


Like in the Middle East, U.S. political operatives and intelligence officials are increasingly using the cloak of journalism as a tool for their aims...
