November 21, 2011

Lone Wolves

Mark Steyn's short posting below says it all.

National Review Online  |  November 21, 2011

Wolf Whistling

By Mark Steyn

Rich, re that "Man Arrested And Charged In Bomb Plot," don't worry about Señor Pimentel also being "known as Muhammad Yusuf." Mayor Bloomberg has already pronounced him a "lone wolf":

Mayor: 'Lone Wolf' Terror Suspect Arrested

Alleged 'Lone Wolf' Arrested In New York On Terror Charges

'Lone Wolf' Terror Suspect Arraigned In New York

So relax. He's just another working stiff from Local 473 of the Amalgamated Union of Lone Wolves. Any connection between Muhammad and any other Mohammeds, Mohameds, Muhammeds or Muhamads is purely coincidental. For one thing, Mr Yusuf was thinking of adopting the name "Osama Hussein," after Messrs bin Laden and Saddam, but worried that it might draw unwanted attention to himself. Which shows how little he knows about us.

So nothing to worry about. There'll be another lone wolf along any moment. All jihad is local.

Original post here.


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