Vive La Surrender Monkeys
Hogwash: "Don't Blame Islam For Toulouse Killings"
French Are Toast
Jews of Europe: Get Out Now
Walking Around Paris As A Jew
November 9, 2015
Diplomacy Or Wine?
The French are sometimes derided as 'Surrender Monkeys' because of their tendency to appease or preemptively surrender. We've noted some examples of this tendency in the left margin of this page (under “And More...”).
Nevertheless, let it not be said that even the French don’t have their red lines.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will be making a state visit to France (and Italy) next week, becoming the first Iranian president to travel to Europe in a decade (see below).
And although hosting tyrants and dictators doesn’t ruffle the French, depriving them of their wine at dinner does!
The state dinner with Rouhani and Hollande to wrap up the visit was canceled following disagreement about the presence of alcohol during the planned meal. The Mullahs said no alcohol, and the French responded no dinner.
(A breakfast meeting was then suggested but scrapped by the Iranians who said it was “too cheap.” Huh?)
So while diplomacy and nuke deals are serious business, folks, nothing is more serious to the French than their wine.
Times of Israel | November 9, 2015
As Rouhani Plans Europe Trip, France Draws Red Line On Red Wine
State dinner scrapped over row on presence of alcoholic beverages during meal; Iranian president will be first Islamic Republic leader to travel to Europe in a decade
By Times of Israel staff & AFP
French President Francois Hollande drinks a glass of cider during a visit to Le Mont-Saint-Michel, on October 31, 2015. (AFP/Pool/Stephane Mahe)
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will be making state visits to Italy and France next week, becoming the first Iranian president to travel to Europe in a decade, the state news agency IRNA reported Monday.
The tour, which follows the July 14 nuclear accord between Tehran and the P5+1 world powers, including France, will see Rouhani meet with Italian officials and with the pope during his visit, which begins Saturday. He will then make his way to France to greet President Francois Hollande and other officials on November 16-17.
According to French media, a state dinner between Rouhani and Hollande to wrap up the visit was canceled following disagreement about the presence of alcohol during the planned meal. The French are notorious for consuming alcohol, generally wine, with their evening meals.
Iranian representatives asked for a halal menu, with food and drink according to Muslim dietary laws, which forbid alcohol, but were rebuffed by the French, who did not want to have to forgo their “traditions,” according to French radio outlet RTL.
A breakfast meeting was then suggested but scrapped by the Iranians who said it was “too cheap,” according to the report.
The meeting between Hollande and Rouhani will instead focus strictly on business, with topics such as the civil war in Syria and the regional terrorism expected to top the agenda.
France and a host of other European countries are seeking lucrative business deals with Iran once international sanctions are lifted as part of the nuclear agreement.
A slew of EU countries sent business delegations to Tehran shortly after the deal was signed in July to discuss trade possibilities.
Original article here.
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Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).