As We See It

Sanctions: The Farce

January 24, 2012

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The sanctions against Iran are designed to bring them "back to the negotiating table in order to convince them" to halt their uranium enrichment program. Well, trying to "convince" religious zealots/fanatics...


"Pissing Away the War on Terror"

January 23, 2012

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Obama's War on Terror policy has been a complete disaster. We keep hearing about how he killed Osama bin Laden and about the assassination of high ranking terrorists with drones. He's helped...


Nyet, No Explanations!

January 23, 2012

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Our pals, the Russians, have announced that they have zero intention of explaining or justifying their sale of 36 fighter planes to the Syrian government, which is currently massacring its citizens in the streets of Syria…


3 Days of Venom at U Penn

January 20, 2012

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U Penn is joining the chorus of hate speech, in an attempt to appear above the fray or whatever other nonsense purveyors of garbage like to hide behind...


Pakistan: "We've been getting mixed signals"

January 20, 2012

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Pakistan has ruled out allowing CIA drones back into the country, snubbed Pres. Obama's special envoy to the region, and plans on delivering a list of conditions for cooperation to resume...


Beware of Fishermen Bearing Gifts

January 19, 2012

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For the third time this month, the U.S. Navy has come to the rescue of "distressed Iranian fishermen." We hope the U.S. Navy is exercising extreme caution with these rescues, as one of these days...
