March 21, 2012

Operation A Success, But Patient Dead

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton praised the UN Security Council on Wednesday for agreeing to a (non-binding) statement voicing the "gravest concern at the deteriorating situation in Syria" (see below).

Well, bravo to Ms. Clinton and the UNSC for coming up with a (non-binding) statement. The operation was a success, but 8,000 (and counting) Syrian patients are DEAD.

So why don't we spend more time and money massaging our seats at this not-so-glorious institution, eh?

The Jerusalem Post  |  March 21, 2012

Clinton Calls UNSC Move On Syria 'Positive Step'

Russia envoy to UN says foreign group arming Syria opposition, which must be engaged to ensure Annan plan's success.

By Reuters

Hillary Clinton.jpg

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday praised the UN Security Council for voicing united support for UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan's bid to end the violence in Syria and urged Syrian President Bashar Assad to "take this path" out of the crisis.

"It is a positive step. The council has now spoken with one voice," Clinton said after the Security Council, including Russia and China, agreed on a statement backing the Annan plan.

"To President Assad and his regime we say, along with the rest of the international community: take this path, commit to it, or face increasing pressure and isolation," Clinton told reporters after a meeting with Afghanistan's foreign minister.

Western diplomats said the agreement on a statement voicing the "gravest concern at the deteriorating situation in Syria" should be a wake-up call for Assad, who has counted on support from Russia to fend off international criticism of his yearlong attempt to crush anti-government protests. More here...


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