Axis of Something
Feeding The Beast
Shameful Chapter In American History
Turkish Piece of Work
October 7, 2013
King Of The Islamists
The U.S. and Islamist government of Turkey have announced a $200 million fund to promote the Muslim Brotherhood brand of Islamism to counter the Al-Qaeda brand of Islamism (see below). HUH?
Yes indeed, millions of American taxpayer dollars will be spent for programs that supposedly promote non-violence among Muslims in terrorist hotspots like Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. And Turkey and Qatar will be the ones crafting the Islamic message.
One has to ask: Why in the world is the U.S. picking and choosing which brand of Islamism to promote, much less funding it?
Ryan Mauro writes: '"Instead of making alliances with Turkey and Qatar, the U.S. should instead look to Muslim leaders like Jordanian King Abdullah II, an adversary of the Muslim Brotherhood...[who] has marginalized the Brotherhood opposition that threatened his reign by embracing liberal critics."
We disagree. The US should not be promoting any kind of religion, anywhere, for the simple reason that this is NOT what the US stands for. From a more practical perspective, is there a better way to deepen the disconnect/rift between the West and Muslim world today than to slap an American imprimatur on one "brand" of Islamism over another? And who is the U.S. to decide which brand of Islamism is acceptable and which is not?!
The U.S. can only tell the world what it stands for and what it is prepared to accept/tolerate from those seeking to align themselves or do business with the U.S. Those whose ideology, religion, movement or view call for harming the U.S. or its friends, should be put on notice that doing so makes you an enemy of the US, with all that such a classification entails. It does NOT make you a welfare case or social experiment for America to take under its wing and nurture back to civilization.
The Clarion Project | October 3, 2013
U.S. Taxpayers to Pay for Spread of Turkish, Qatar Islamism
Millions of American taxpayer dollars will be spent promoting the Muslim Brotherhood's band of Islamism to counter Al-Qaeda.
By Ryan Mauro
Millions of American taxpayer dollars will be spent promoting the Muslim Brotherhood brand of Islamism to counter the Al-Qaeda brand of Islamism. The U.S. is teaming up with the Islamism-promoting governments of Turkey and Qatar to try to influence Muslim youth in a more positive direction.
The U.S. and the Islamist government of Turkey have announced a $200 million fund for programs that will supposedly promote non-violence among Muslims in terrorist hotspots like Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.
The total is to be raised over 10 years, with the U.S. provided $2-3 million (at first), along with Turkey, Canada, various European countries and “private sources.” The only other Muslim country mentioned as a partner besides Turkey is Qatar.
As the sole Muslim participants in the fund, Turkey and Qatar will be the ones crafting the Islamic message against Al-Qaeda.
The fund, called the Global Fund for Community Engagement and Resilience, will bolster local programs like vocational training, social networks and new school curriculums.
The thinking behind this fund is the same flawed thinking that upholds the Muslim Brotherhood as the moderate, democratic, non-violent alternative to Al-Qaeda. This logic was articulated by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper in testimony on January 31, 2012 — testimony that came after his previous embarrassingly inaccurate explanation of the Brotherhood:
“Al-Qaeda probably will find it difficult to compete for local support with groups like the Muslim Brotherhood that participate in the political process, provide social services and advocate religious values. Non-violent, pro-democracy demonstrations challenge Al-Qaeda’s violent jihadist ideology and might yield increased political power for secular or moderate Islamist parties.”
If you believe that the Brotherhood’s Political Islam is the solution to Al-Qaeda’s Political Islam (as does the Obama administration), then your natural ideological allies would be Turkey and Qatar.
The tiny Gulf nation of Qatar is subsidizing the Muslim Brotherhood and acts like a bank for the Islamist cause. Al-Jazeera is based there, as is the Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual leader Yousef al-Qaradawi.
Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan was dubbed the "King of the Islamists" in a Clarion Project analysis in March. His government sided with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and he says Hamas isn’t a terrorist group. Erdogan has been implementing Sharia law in Turkey incrementally using the Islamist doctrine of "gradualism."
A backlash against the Sharia agenda of Erdogan contributed to the huge protests Erdogan faced over the summer. The protests are ongoing, but are not being covered by the Western media.
Turkey’s neo-Ottoman ideology is promoted even in the U.S. through the Fethullah Gulen charter school network, the Turkish government's embrace of Native American tribes, and Turkey’s direct involvement in the construction of Ottoman-themed mosques, like the $100 million mega-mosque being built in Maryland.
Instead of making alliances with Turkey and Qatar, the U.S. should instead look to Muslim leaders like Jordanian King Abdullah II, an adversary of the Muslim Brotherhood. He has marginalized the Brotherhood opposition that threatened his reign by embracing liberal critics.
We should listen to what King Abdullah had to say about Turkey under Erdogan. He pointed out that Erdogan “once said that democracy for him is a bus ride. 'Once I get to my stop, I'm getting off'."
Abdullah was referring to a statement Erdogan made in the 1990s before he took power. He said democracy is “a train that takes you to your destination, and then you get off.”
Jordan’s King has also said that style and patience is the only difference between Erdogan and former Egyptian President Morsi, who was overthrown in an anti-Muslim Brotherhood revolution. He said, "Instead of the Turkish model -- taking six or seven years being an Erdogan --- Morsi wanted to do it overnight.”
Unfortunately, America’s strategy will either create more Al-Qaeda recruits by expanding the overall Islamist following, or -- if it works as intended -- will hurt Al-Qaeda but strengthen the other Islamist movements.
No wonder Muslim Brotherhood’s supporters are happy about it.
Original article here.
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If you analyze the history and current actions of the POTUS, you cannot help but come to this conclusion.
To save space, let me point to an article I have written a while back:
As for the "implementing Sharia law incrementally using the Islamist doctrine of 'gradualism.' ", I have written about that in:
We are living in trying times.
Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).