August 27, 2012

A Brighter Future?

“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” (Abraham Lincoln)

Behold the future (in the article and pictures below and in left margin of this page) and understand why the Arab/Islamic world never changes and won't change.

Of course it's the culture, stupid!  |  August 27, 2012

Terrorists Begin School Year with Rocket Attack
Gaza terrorists fired a Kassam rocket on the Sderot area minutes after students arrived at their classes for the first day of school.

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

Israeli schoolchildren on first day of school.jpg
Israeli schoolchildren in bomb shelter. Israel news photo: Flash 90

Gaza terrorists fired a Kassam rocket on the Sderot area minutes after students arrived at their classes for the first day of school.

Sderot area students began their lessons by responding to the Color Red siren, which gives them 15 seconds to run for cover before the incoming missile explodes. Monday morning's Kassam exploded in an open area, reducing injuries to shock and trauma.

Three rockets also were fired on the same area Sunday morning, damaging a factory in the Sderot industrial area and a structure at the Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council.

An Islamic terrorist group identifying itself with Al Qaeda took "credit" for Sunday's attacks.

They issued a statement that they fired to express rage over an IDF ceremony at the Patriarchs' Cave in Hevron and because of "the silence of the Hamas government in the wake of Jewish assaults on Islamic holy places."

The statement continued, "The Jihad is the path of Allah against Jewish criminals," and "Jewish thieves must know that Muslims will dedicate their blood at every Muslim holy place."

Original article here.


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