As We See It

Arab World's Dirty Little Secret

August 29, 2010

A reminder of the Arab world's dirty little secret....


Conflict Solved

August 27, 2010

A great (futuristic) U.S. State Department memo, issued after the Palestinian conflict is solved...


Offending Whose Sensibilities?

August 21, 2010

Just as Libya made fools of the Brits over release of the Lockerbie bomber, the Islamic world is having a field day over...


Welcome To The Friendly Skies

August 18, 2010

Iran Air 744 is a bimonthly flight that originates in Tehran and flies directly to Caracas with pit stops in such peaceful locales as Beirut and Damascus. All aboard? Not quite...


Another Day, Another Site

August 16, 2010

Iran's response to international sanctions against its nuke-building lollapalooza? Imam Feisal Rauf's response to the outrage over the building of a mosque near Ground Zero?



August 7, 2010

Missing Imam Feisal Rauf, of Ground Zero mosque fame, has been found(!)...sorta... and guess who's funding his (fundraising) trip to places like Wahhabi-Central (aka Saudi Arabia)...
