November 11, 2011

Unarmed Diplomats Endangered

BREAKING NEWS: Cartoon endangers the lives of unarmed diplomats!

Yes, it's true, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has filed a complaint against Israel for a cartoon published in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz (see article below).

We'll keep it brief today because... we're...still...rolling...on...the...floor...from... laughter...  

Not from the cartoon, mind you, but from the mere mention of "unarmed" U.N. diplomats...

Want to know what armed U.N. diplomats look like? Check out the one pictured here, from U.N. Peacekeeping Forces.  |  November 11, 2011

UNESCO files complaint against Israeli delegation over Haaretz cartoon

A cartoon published in Haaretz causes a riff between Israel's ambassador to UNESCO and the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

By Barak Ravid

Israel's ambassador to UNESCO didn't know whether to laugh or cry when a senior official at the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization called him in for a tongue-lashing on Wednesday. The reason? A cartoon published in Haaretz.

The November 4 cartoon, a riff on the government's anger at UNESCO's decision to accept Palestine as a full member, showed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak sending an air force squadron to attack Iran, with Netanyahu ordering, "And on your way back, you're gonna hit the UNESCO office in Ramallah!"

The editorial cartoon in question.            Photo by: Eran Wolkovsky

When he met with Eric Falt, UNESCO's assistant director general for external relations and public information, Ambassador Nimrod Barkan was stunned to be handed a copy of this cartoon and an official letter of protest from UNESCO's director general, Irina Bokova. Falt told Barkan the cartoon constituted incitement.

"A cartoon like this endangers the lives of unarmed diplomats, and you have an obligation to protect them," Falt said, according to an Israeli source. "We understand that there is freedom of the press in Israel, but the government must prevent attacks on UNESCO."

Barkan pointed out that the government has no control over editorial cartoons printed in the papers. "Ask yourselves what you did to make a moderate paper with a deeply internationalist bent publish such a cartoon," he suggested. "Perhaps the problem is with you."

After Barkan reported the conversation to the Foreign Ministry, it cabled back: "What exactly does UNESCO want of us - to send our fine boys to protect UNESCO's staff, or to shut down the paper? It seems your work environment is getting more and more reminiscent of 'Animal Farm.'"

Original article here.


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