March 17, 2011
The "Other" Side
In our ongoing effort to be fair & balanced, below is a piece from the other side. (As a reminder, there are two sides to the national security debate, i.e., the knowledgeable & informed side, that makes sense; and the side that isn't, and doesn't.)
"Obama Weighs Talking To The Taliban, Hezbollah" is the title of the piece in today's Washington Post, the paper of record for the other side (along with the New York Times). And while much can be said about this latest brainfart from the Obama administration, below are a few noteworthy pearls:
- "One model for the administration... is the British process of dialogue during the 1990s with Sinn Fein, the legal political wing of the terrorist Irish Republican Army." So let's see, Sinn Fein/IRA vs. The Party of Allah (i.e., Hezbollah), an interesting comparison, except that the IRA fought so-called British occupation of Northern Ireland in order to liberate Northern Ireland, not to destroy a neighboring country. In Lebanon, where Hezbollah resides, the only foreign elements are Syria and Iran, who meddle in internal Lebanese affairs, so the wisdom of lobbing missiles into neighboring Israel eludes us....
- "The guiding premise for the administration is that political and diplomatic strategy must drive policy in Afghanistan this year, rather than being an afterthought to military operations." Rule #1 in Jungle Rules for Dummies is, defeat the cavemen first, make sure they know it, then and only then regale them with your brilliant state craft.
- "Officials who support [engagement with Hezbollah]...argue that [Hezbollah] is like the IRA or the PLO..." Oh really? The PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) was formed in 1964, i.e., prior to what Palestinians refer to today as "Israeli occupation," and was led by Yasser Arafat, the Father of Modern Terrorism. Obama & co. may wanna ask surviving relatives of thousands of dead Israeli men, women and children (not to mention those who continue to endure Palestinian missile and terrorist attacks on a daily basis): How's that workin' out for ya?!
- "...the White House has focused on [the Hezbollah issue] in recent weeks because of a new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)..." "Like most NIEs, this one is said to contain a broad array of views... While we wait with baited breath for the new NIE, we can't help but wonder if this forthcoming one is any relation to the 2007 one, you know, the one that said Iran stopped working on its nuclear weapons program in 2003 (the first public admission that Iran even had a nuclear weapons program!). As to NIEs containing "a broad array of views," the only question we have is, since when?!
- John Brennan, the White House counterterrorism adviser....described [Hezbollah] as 'a very interesting organization' and said the United States should try to 'build up the more moderate elements'." This coming from the guy who refers to Jerusalem as al Quds, and thinks that a 20% terrorist recidivism rate (for released Gitmo detainees) is not that bad. As one blogger recently put it: "Tell that to the troops, you whack job!"
The Washington Post | March 17, 2011
Obama Weighs Talking To The Taliban, Hezbollah
By David Ignatius
AP Photo/Courtesy:
In a rapidly changing Islamic world, the Obama administration is weighing how best to talk with adversaries such as the Taliban and, perhaps, Hezbollah.
One model for the administration, as it thinks about engagement of enemies, is the British process of dialogue during the 1990s with Sinn Fein, the legal political wing of the terrorist Irish Republican Army. That outreach led to breakthrough peace talks and settlement of a conflict that had been raging for more than a century.
In the case of the Taliban, the administration has repeatedly stated that it is seeking a political settlement of the war in Afghanistan rather than a military one. That formula sometimes seems hollow when more than 100,000 U.S. troops are in combat. But it got more definition last month from Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who opened the doors wider for dialogue.
Clinton, in a Feb. 18 speech to the Asia Society, subtly altered the terms for Taliban participation in peace talks. She repeated the administration's "red lines for reconciliation" — that Taliban representatives must renounce violence, reject al-Qaeda and abide by the Afghan constitution. But rather than making these preconditions for talks, as before, she said they were "necessary outcomes of any negotiation."
To draw the Afghan insurgents toward reconciliation, the administration is supporting a plan by President Hamid Karzai that would allow the Taliban to open an office in Kabul or perhaps outside Afghanistan, where contacts might be easier. Saudi Arabia was discussed as one possible site, but a more likely venue would be Turkey. The Turkish government is pondering the issue.
Back-channel U.S. contacts with some Taliban figures have already begun, according to a report in the New Yorker last month by Steve Coll. This leak was regarded as so sensitive that one official suspected of sharing information is said to have been reprimanded.
The guiding premise for the administration is that political and diplomatic strategy must drive policy in Afghanistan this year, rather than being an afterthought to military operations. Here's how the White House put it in its December policy review: "In 2011, we will intensify our regional diplomacy to enable a political process to promote peace and stability in Afghanistan."
This regional approach already has led to two U.S.-backed meetings on Afghanistan that included Iranian representatives — one in Rome last year and one in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on March 3, that was sponsored by the Islamic Conference.
The Hezbollah issue is still being framed, in terms of policy debate. But the White House has focused on it in recent weeks because of a new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Hezbollah that is nearing completion.
Officials who have read draft versions of the estimate say it assesses Hezbollah in a broad context, as a political and social force in Lebanon in addition to the militia officially designated by the United States as a "foreign terrorist organization." Like most NIEs, this one is said to contain a broad array of views, with some analysts stressing Hezbollah's terrorist capabilities and others noting the organization's growing political role, including its representation in the Lebanese cabinet.
The political time bomb ticking away in the NIE is the question of whether the United States should seek some kind of direct or indirect engagement with Hezbollah — at least with its political wing. Officials who support this course argue that the organization is like the IRA or the PLO — with nonmilitary components that can be drawn into a dialogue.
Contrarian thinking about Hezbollah was voiced publicly by John Brennan, the White House counterterrorism adviser. In May 2010, he described it as "a very interesting organization" and said the United States should try to "build up the more moderate elements." And at a conference in August 2009, he offered this summary: "Hezbollah started out as purely a terrorist organization back in the early '80s and has evolved significantly over time" to have members in the Lebanese parliament and cabinet.
The high-level discussion of Hezbollah illustrates the ferment in U.S. thinking about a Middle East that is being transformed by democratic uprisings. Officials caution that for now, the Hezbollah question is a matter for intelligence analysts, not policymakers. The White House recognizes that it has enough to deal with already without opening a new question that would produce shock waves in Israel, Saudi Arabia and other countries.
The bottom line is that after a decade of American wars in the Middle East, the Obama administration is increasingly looking for ways to talk with adversaries and draw them into a process of dialogue. The world is changing, and perhaps so should U.S. policy.
Original article here.
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Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).