April 6, 2015

Reality-Based Leadership

The Canadian government does not share US President Obama's enthusiasm over the interim deal reached with Iran Thursday (see below). Neither do we.

Their Foreign Minister Rob Nicholson responded to the deal by warning that the Islamic regime may still be able to obtain a nuclear weapon even with the agreement. And of that, we have no doubt.

Signing a deal with pathological liars – e.g., see "We Lied" – who also happen to be the world's #1 sponsor of terrorism is not only an exercise in futility, but downright idiotic.

Someone once said: "History never looks like history when you are living through it."

Well, we in America are living through it, and history will not judge us kindly.

Israel National News  |  April 6, 2015

'Skeptical' Canada Won't Lift its Iran Sanctions

Canadian officials say they will only ease sanctions if Iran demilitarizes its nuclear program, noting Iran's record isn't trustworthy.

By Dalit Halevy, Ari Yashar

Canadian PM Stephen Harper.jpg
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper

The Canadian government has not shared US President Barack Obama's enthusiasm over the deal reached with Iran over its nuclear program last Thursday, by which the Islamic regime continues enriching uranium at reduced levels in exchange for the removal of sanctions.

Canadian Foreign Minister Rob Nicholson responded to the deal, warning that the Islamic regime may still be able to obtain a nuclear weapon even with the agreement.

"We have to make every possible diplomatic effort to ensure that Iran will never be able to achieve the ability to develop a nuclear weapon," said Nicholson, noting such a development could spark a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

The foreign minister added that "Iran's track record is not one that encourages trust."

He announced that Canada has decided to allocate $3 million for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to oversee the implementation of the nuclear deal.

Canada will continue to judge Iran based on its actions and not on its words, concluded Nicholson.

James Bezan, the parliamentary secretary to Defense Minister Jason Kenney, told the Canadian CBC News that Canada will only consider removing sanctions on Iran if it is sure the latter "finally and honestly" neutralizes the military aspects of its nuclear program,

"Until then, we are going to be very conscientious and skeptical of the outcome here," concluded Bezan.

Original article here.


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