September 2, 2010

Pictures Worth Thousands Of Words

Pictures can be worth more than thousands of words, so below are a few from the last few days...

Israelis Mourn:

Pictures from Wednesday's funeral of 4, actually 5 Israelis (one of the victims included a pregnant women) who were murdered by Hamas gunmen on Tuesday. More here





As Palestinians Celebrate:

Hamas supporters celebrate the shooting attack in the West Bank, in 
Jabalya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, Aug 31, 2010. 
Reuters/Mohammed Salem

Palestinian children celebrate the attack in which four Israelis (including a 

pregnant woman) were killed by Palestinian gunmen who opened fire on 
their vehicle.  AP Photo

Gaza children celebrate the murder of a pregnant Israeli woman and 3 
other Israelis.

And Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama Primps For 'Peace' Talks Between Israel and [some of] the Palestinians [Still unclear to us which Palestinians so-called "Palestinian leader" Mahmoud Abbas represents, and which ones Hamas represents]:

Front page of today's New York Post


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