February 25, 2012

No One Is Listening, Mr. President

Yes, Mr. President, the killing of Syrian citizens must end, as must the rampages in Afghanistan, the nefarious nuclear activities and hanging of Christian pastors in Iran, the riots in Egypt, the repression and starvation of North Korea's citizens, the stoning of women in Saudi Arabia, etc. etc., yes, all these things "must end."

But guess what, Mr. President? No one is listening to you any more, because all the groveling and apologizing to ruthless dictators and Muslim mobs, not to mention your so-called doctrine of "leading from behind," have pretty much extinguished any and all moral authority you may have had as President of the U.S. 

Jerusalem Post  |  February 25, 2012

Obama: Killing of Syrian Citizens Must End

By Reuters

US president says int'l community must band together to press Assad to step down; rescue workers evacuate wounded.

Obama speech.jpg
President Barack Obama

The international community must band together in pressuring Syrian leader Bashar Assad to step down and put and end to the killing of Syrian citizens, US President Barack Obama said on Friday. His comments came as rescue workers began evacuating wounded civilians from a besieged Syrian city.

"All of us seeing the terrible pictures coming out of Syria and Homs recently recognize it is absolutely imperative for the international community to rally in sending a clear message to President Assad that it is time for a transition," Obama told reporters. More here...


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