October 19, 2011
Guess Who's Baaack?
If there's a face we cannot stomach it's Zbigniew Brzezinski. He's referred to below as "national security adviser to America's worst ex-president, Jimmy Carter" although we'd like to point out that he also served as senior adviser to the man currently vying for that title (i.e., of "worst ex-president").
Yes, good ole Zbig was a top national security/foreign policy adviser to then candidate, and later President-elect Obama. In fact, Obama would sometimes introduce him as "one of our most outstanding thinkers" (not much of a compliment coming from one of our less outstanding thinkers).
Zbig was also one of those who praised the Abbott & Costello of academia - John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt - for their book "The Israel Lobby," a modern-day version of the notorious Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
And Zbig was the genius who suggested President Obama make clear to our
ally, Israel, that if they attempted to attack Iran's nuclear weapons sites, the U.S. Air Force would stop/shoot them down. In Zbiggy's own words:
"We are not exactly impotent little babies. They [i.e., the Israelis]
have to fly over our airspace in Iraq. Are we just going to sit there
and watch? We have to be serious about denying them that right.
If they fly over, you go up and confront them. They have the choice
of turning back or not. No one wishes for this but it could be a
'Liberty' in reverse.'" [The USS Liberty was a U.S. Navy technical
research ship that the Israeli Air Force mistakenly attacked during
the Six Day War in 1967.]
(Yes, 80% of American Jews voted for the candidate who relied on this rabid Jew/Israel-hater for advice. Don't ask us why, although the term "useful idiots" springs
to mind...)
Anyway, guess who's baaack? Yep, Zbig is, and so is his warped worldview. Who knows, maybe he plans on re-joining the cadre of incompetents orbiting our "worst ex-president" to be (G-d willing)?! / IBD Editorials | October 18, 2011
Zbigniew Brzezinski's Enemies List
Pandering to give-me generation.
Social Justice: The former national security adviser wants to compile a list of the evil rich who don't spend their money as the left wants. It comes with the ultimate threat: We know where you live.
Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security adviser to America's worst ex-president, Jimmy Carter, has something for the angry mobs of Occupy Wall Street (OWS) to do once they're done trashing New York City's environment and demanding that those who, as Jefferson Starship sang, "built this city" pay off their student loans and otherwise support them.
They can make house calls on the rich.
On Monday, Brzezinski appeared on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program, which his daughter Mika co-hosts with Joe Scarborough.
He was there to discuss his winning the 2011 Jury Du Prix Tocqueville prize, and his daughter noted that in his acceptance speech he made a plea for what the likes of Van Jones and the loony left call "social justice."
In that speech, Brzezinski spoke of "a country of socially ominous extremes between the few super-rich and the increasingly many who are deprived."
Never mind the super-rich are often people like the late Steve Jobs who deprived no one of anything when he dropped out of college to start Apple.
In the minds of some, wealth is a zero-sum game, never to be created but always to be distributed from those who worked very hard to those who work hardly at all. Even inherited wealth at some point in time had to be created. From each according to his ability, to each of the OWS crowd according to their whiny wants.
No, the sense of entitlement reigns supreme as we morph from the "me" generation to the "give me" generation. Brzezinski does distinguish between the good rich like Warren Buffett who, after making obscene amounts of money, now wants to tax the heck out of those who seek to mimic his success, and those "who, on the basis of speculation, literally make millions of dollars that would take a century or two for the average person ever to make."
You know, people like Warren Buffett.
We call these people investors or venture capitalists, people who take their money and bet on companies they think will succeed, reaping rewards if they do and accepting the losses if they don't.
They're also called risk-takers — sort of like President Obama, who bet on failed solar panel maker Solyndra, except he did it with other people's money.
Those other people are called taxpayers, a species apart from many of those occupying Wall Street who protest the big banks and financial firms that Obama helped bail out with taxpayers' money because they were too big to fail — though not too big to protest or donate to his campaign or staff his administration.
So what would Brzezinski do to balance the scales of social justice? He thinks "it would be increasingly helpful if there was a movement to publish, worldwide, lists of those who make, largely through speculation, enormous amounts of money almost instantly, and basically hide the fact from their social context."
Make a list, check it twice, find out who's been naughty and nice. Then, presumably, the angry mobs of the left could show up on the doorsteps of the evil rich to protest and intimidate, just as the purple shirts of the SEIU did in May 2010 during the housing meltdown at the home of a very frightened teenager whose father was a deputy general counsel with the hated Bank of America. A neighbor, Fortune Magazine's Nina Easton, recorded the event for posterity.
Demonize, demand and intimidate, all the time distracting attention from you, your president, and those who really created the mess we're in.
Somewhere Saul Alinsky must be smiling.
Original article here.
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Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).