March 13, 2012

Celebrating Evil

Once again, the Palestinians take to the streets to 'celebrate'. They did it after 9/11, they did it when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, and they do it in Gaza whenever Israeli men, women and children are massacred or kidnapped. They also do it over perceived "victories" (see below).

The Palestinians fire hundreds of rockets into Israel cities and towns, Israel retaliates, the Palestinians continue to fire missiles, Egypt brokers a truce, which within hours is violated by Palestinian rocket fire (story here).

So what's to celebrate?! The so-called truce, which Israel agreed to and the Palestinians violated?

There's something seriously disturbing about a people/religion/culture that celebrate (not to mention, glorify) death and destruction with such glee. Yes, we’ve seen it with Arabs/Muslims throughout history, on 9/11 and many times since, in the Middle East, Afghanistan and throughout the world, but it never ceases to amaze us how even the most primitive of primitives can take such pleasure in the most vicious of deeds. 

Are all Arabs/Muslims like that? Of course not, but there’s something about a culture that spawns so many who are.  

The Jerusalem Post  |  March 13, 2012

Gazans Celebrate 'Victory' Over Israel After Truce

"One round has ended, but the war has not ended and won't end until the liberation of Palestine," Islamic Jihad leader says.

By Khaled Abu Toameh

Palestinians celebrate 'victory'.jpg
Photo: Reuters

Palestinians took to the streets in Gaza City Tuesday to celebrate "victory" over Israel following the Egyptian-brokered truce that was announced after midnight.

Addressing the demonstrators by phone from Syria, Islamic Jihad Secretary-General Ramadan Shallah said that his group has sent an important message to Israel - "that despite the siege, the Palestinians are able to defend themselves, instill fear among millions of Israelis, disrupt their lives and send them hiding in shelters."

Shallah said that Israel was mistaken by assuming that the Gaza Strip was "easy prey."

He boasted that his group, which fired dozens of rockets and mortars at Israel since last Friday, has "created a balance of terror with the enemy."

"One round has ended, but the war has not ended and won't end until the liberation of Palestine and the dismantlement of the Zionist project," Shallah declared. "Our men have turned the Gaza Strip from a jungle for rifles into a jungle for rockets."

Mohammed al-Hindi, another Islamic Jihad leader, told the crowd that his group has succeeded in forcing Israel "to take one step backward."

He claimed that Israel was eventually forced to "succumb to the demands of Islamic Jihad and pledge to stop assassinations.

However, the Islamic Jihad official said that despite the truce his group would continue to prepare for the next confrontation with Israel. "This is the first time that the enemy succeeds in imposing its conditions on the enemy," al-Hindi added.

Original article here.


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