As We See It

Lethal Garbage

July 6, 2010

This is the kind of "garbage" being put out by the Palestinian Authority...


What Americans "Thought"

June 29, 2010

The Obama administration: The new sanctions against the regime will not stop Tehran's nuclear weapons ambitions. They're all about show, not substance....


Nuke-Free & Wisdom-Free

June 28, 2010

The problem with President Obama's dream of a "nuke-free world" is the nightmare of a nuke-free America surrounded by a nuke-infested world...


Ignorance In Action

June 26, 2010

A senior Hamas figure said that US sources asked the Islamist group to refrain from making any statements regarding contacts with Washington, so as not to rouse the Jewish lobby and oth...


Because They Can

June 25, 2010

Why is the Times Square bomber so proud of himself? A widely-respected professor of psychology, psychotherapist and author gives a detailed answer, but us plain-folk would probably just...


Afghan AWOLS Found?!

June 25, 2010

It appears that 11 of the 17 Afghan men who went AWOL from a Texas Air Force base have supposedly “been found” on Facebook, no less...
