As We See It

Iron Dome For NY

November 4, 2017

NY Dam

After alarming outages in 2012 and 2014, the New York Power Authority turns to Israel for help in keeping its systems secure...


Remarkable Discovery In Jerusalem

October 16, 2017

Western Wall-ancient Roman theater-like

The remarkable discovery of a small Roman theater brings archaeologists one step closer to solving the riddle of what took place in Jerusalem following the destruction of...


Flunks The Smile Test

October 11, 2017

Iranian missiles

Speculation is that Trump’s senior advisers are positioning him to make a serious mistake [with the Iran deal], based on their flawed advice...


State of Our Missile-Defense

October 4, 2017

North Korea-Missile Defense

With North Korea now routinely sailing missiles over Japan, it is reasonable to ask what exactly the U.S. missile-defense system is capable of doing...


Myths We Delude Ourselves By

September 25, 2017

NKorea-Kim Jong Un

It is now two weeks since we learned that British intelligence concluded the North Koreans could not have developed their nuclear weapons...


A Punctuated Message

September 8, 2017

Syria-Assad & Hezbollah poster

While declaring a policy publicly might send a message to Israel’s allies and enemies about its intentions, nothing can state that position more clearly than...
