February 19, 2015

Travel Alert

A Travel Alert for those planning on traveling to Saudi Arabia:

BEFORE embarking on your trip, please decide which is of greater value to you, your Bible or your head.

Reports indicate that close U.S. friend and ally, Saudi Arabia, has now decreed the death penalty for anyone caught trying to smuggle Bibles or any other "publications that have prejudice to any other religious belief other than Islam" (see below).

And once you have made the choice, Happy Travels, Folks!  |  February 19, 2015

Saudi Arabia: Beheading Bible Smugglers?

by Raymond Ibrahim


As is—or should be—well known by now, wherever Islam has sway, the advertisement of any other faith or creed becomes forbidden, for fear of “completion.”  Accordingly, reports indicate that close U.S. friend-and-ally Saudi Arabia—the birthplace of Islam where not one single church is allowed to exist—has now decreed the death penalty for anyone caught trying to smuggle Bibles or any other “publications that have prejudice to any other religious belief other than Islam.” The Christian Post reports:

Saudi whipping.jpgThe Saudi Arabian government has reportedly passed a law that imposes the death penalty on people caught smuggling Bibles into the majority-Muslim country.

According to the HeartCry Missionary Society, the Saudi government issued an official statement signifying that capital punishment may now be used on those who smuggle Bibles into the desert nation, where the royal family upholds a strict Wahhabi brand of Sunni Islam.

“A strict Wahhabi brand of Sunni Islam” is simply another way of saying a literalist Islam based on the words and teachings of the Koran and Islam’s prophet Muhammad.

The society's report added that the death penalty, which usually
comes in the form of beheadings, can also be used against people
who simply distribute the Bible and all other "publications that
have prejudice to any other religious belief other than Islam."
This means that anyone handing out any kind of religious
literature that is not of Islamic faith can legally be executed.

For an idea of Saudi-style beheadings, the video of a recent one can be viewed here.

Original article here.


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