March 13, 2012

Don't Hold Your Breath

In an op-ed entiled "An alliance the world can count on," published in the Washington Post, President Obama and UK Prime Minister Cameron condemned (again) the "Syrian regime’s horrific violence against innocent civilians.”

“With our international partners, we’ll continue to tighten the noose around Bashar
al-Assad and his cohorts, and we’ll work with the opposition and the United
Nations-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan to plan for the transition that will follow Assad’s departure from power.”

No doubt the more than 8,000-9,000 (and counting) Syrians killed so far in the bloodshed will take much comfort in these words. And knowing that special envoy, Kofi Annan is on the job, should make us all rest in peace. Mr. Annan is the former UN Secretary General, who presided over the UN's Oil-for-Food scandal, among other UN disgraces.

As for that special alliance the world can count on, who can forget Mr. Obama’s celebration of that special relationship, when, in 2009, he returned the bust of Winston Churchill that was in the Oval Office back to Britain?

[p.s. Can you think of a better place to put a “President Obama Stands With Israel” advertisement (see the screenshot added below)?! No doubt the folks in Israel can rely on Mr. Obama and the UN as much as the dead folk in Syria, Egypt, Iran, etc., relied on them…]  |  March 13, 2012

Obama, Cameron Pledge 'To Tighten The Noose' On Assad Regime

In a joint Washington Post op-ed, U.S. President Obama and U.K. Prime Minister Cameron reiterate condemnation of violence in Syria.

By Natasha Mozgovaya and Associated Press

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U.S. President Barack Obama and U.K. Prime Minister said in a joint op-ed published on Tuesday that they will continue to "tighten the noose around Bashar Assad and his cohorts" to bring an end to the violence in Syria.

In the article "An alliance the world can count on," published in the Washington Post as Cameron was heading for a three-day visit to the U.S., the two leaders reiterated their condemnation of the Assad regime's violent crackdown.

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"We condemn the Syrian regime's horrific violence against innocent civilians," they said.

Cameron's visit, ahead of a NATO summit in Chicago in May, is set to focus on foreign policy challenges, and will seek to pin down the details of the planned withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

As the Assad's regime continued its assault on northern and central Syria on Tuesday, the Barack and Cameron pledged to focus " on the urgent humanitarian task of getting food and medicine to those in need."

"With our international partners, we'll continue to tighten the noose around Bashar al-Assad and his cohorts, and we'll work with the opposition and the United Nations-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan to plan for the transition that will follow Assad's departure from power," they added.

Kofi Annan visited Syria over the weekend for a peacemaking mission, but the effort faltered, with both the Syrian government and the opposition refusing to talk to one another.

"As two nations that support the human rights and dignity of all people, we continue to stand with those brave citizens across the Middle East and North Africa who are demanding their universal rights," the two leaders said.

Original article here.


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