As We See It

Dead Weight

February 26, 2010

Europe isn't pulling its weight, again, although this time it's in Afghanistan. America would do well to recalibrate its own attitude and continued participation in...


The United States of What?

February 25, 2010

In a fight between 21 dictatorial/tyrannical regimes and one lonely democracy, do Americans really want to be seen as a nation that stays neutral? If so, then let's...


Military Dictatorship, Oh My

February 24, 2010

Newsflash to Team Obama: Iran’s theocratic rulers, president, and their IRGC protectors share the same nuclear weapons and terrorism goals and are the driving force behind...


Dumb and Dumber

February 17, 2010

The national security team we have in place today has got to be one of the most...


Move It

February 9, 2010

New Yorkers don't want their city to be used as a showcase for the Obama administration's dubious effort to convince the world of the US justice system's merits...


Snookered & Bamboozled

February 8, 2010

How is it possible that the Jews taking part in Buffalo interfaith efforts were so easily bamboozled?


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