Does Anyone Know...
July 31, 2009
...where Jerusalem is?
There's a Jerusalem, New York, a Jerusalem, Ohio, a Jerusalem, Rhode Island, a Jerusalem, Slovenia, even a New Jerusalem, California and New Jerusalem, Pennsylvania, to name but a few Jerusalems. So can anyone tell where the Jerusalem referred to here is located???
[Posted by R.S.]
Upstanding Bunch of Appeasers
May 8, 2009
Check out this video of Israel-haters scouring a French supermarket to remove Israeli products from the shelves (see below).
Apparently the video was shot in a suburb of Paris called Aulnay-sous-Bois (an area that gained attention as the scene of the mysterious French "youth" riots of 2005), which is right next door to a town called Drancy. Drancy was used by the Nazis, between 1942-1944, as a deportation holding camp for the Jews of Paris prior to their deportation to extermination camps in eastern Europe. 65,000 Jews passed through Drancy, of whom 63,000 were killed.
Such an upstanding bunch of appeasers those French. Anyone wanna listen to their advice or follow their lead on what we should do about Iran?
Memo To World
April 8, 2009
From today:
* VP Biden warns Israel against carrying out a military strike against Iran. More here.
* Obama administration readies for a possible confrontation with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, by briefing Democratic congressmen and preparing the ground for possible disagreements with Israel over the "peace process." More here.
Memo To World: You will reap far more benefits, brownie points and apologies from the new American administration if you are an enemy, rather than an ally of the U.S., so stake your positions accordingly.
[Posted by R.S.]
How To Become A Foreign Policy Advisor
February 18, 2009
Daniel Kurtzer, the former U.S. ambassador to Israel, said on Tuesday that a government led by Benjamin Netanyahu that also included Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman would be a "bad combination for American interests." Story here.
Besides being distasteful, interfering in another country's democratic process is nothing short of CHUTZPAH.
Add to that idiotic comments like "the Israeli system doesn't respond well to perceptions of outside parties" (and the American system does?!) and voilà, you've got what it takes to become a foreign policy advisor/envoy for the new President of the U.S.
[Posted by R.S.]
Headless Body in Gutless Press
February 16, 2009
"Are beheadings common in western New York?" asks Mark Steyn, is his NRO posting entitled Headless Body in Gutless Press.
Steyn's question follows the story of Mrs. Hassan, whose husband launched a TV network to counter negative stereotypes of Muslims. Mr. Hassan had no problems with press coverage of the launch, which appeared in newspapers everywhere, e.g., The Columbus Dispatch, The Detroit Free Press, The San Jose Mercury News, Variety, NBC News, the Voice of America, the Canadian Press, etc. But when Mr. Hassan killed his wife at his TV studios and detached her head from her corpse, there was barely a mention in the local press, e.g., "page 26 of Newsday, plus The Buffalo News, and a very oddly angled piece in the usually gung-ho New York Post, 'Buffalo Beheading: Money Woe Spurred Slay,'" writes Steyn.
So "he beheaded her for some goofy clause in the insurance policy?" wonders Steyn. Well, "not exactly," in fact as one the papers reported:
"An upstate TV exec who set up a channel promoting Muslims as peace-loving people was stressed about his failing business in the days before he allegedly chopped off his estranged wife's head, a friend of the couple said today."
(Read Steyn's posting for more.)
You gotta wonder, though, if these peace-loving beheaders are any relation to the folks our government likes to call "moderates"?
A very important distinction, as who wouldn't wanna be killed by a moderate terrorist rather than a hardline one? Those moderate killers are so much more civilized...
[Posted by R.S.]
Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).
And Then Some
Dangling Israel
March 24, 2022
New Global Leaders
March 23, 2022