Et Tu, Fox?
March 10, 2010
Nothing is more disappointing than watching a trusted TV news network go south but, sadly, such is the direction FOX News has been heading in the past few months.
Neil Cavuto's sycophantic and truly nauseating interview with slimey Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (who now owns 7% of FOX's parent company, News Corp.); extremely ignorant comments recently made by certain FOX News hosts/contributors/commentators about Dutch Parliamentarian, Geert Wilders (a vocal and tireless opponent of Europe's trending Islamization); and now News Corp chief Rupert Murdoch's announcement that the Gulf emirate of Abu Dhabi is to become the headquarters of his global media empire in the Middle East (story here), are just some of the recent incidents tainting my undying devotion to the one and only truly intelligent and relatively-reliable TV news network out there today.
So while I will continue to watch FOX (unless and until something better comes along), with a healthy dose of skepticism, I would highly recommend to those of you who are partial to accurate and intelligent reporting/commentary - Never rely on just one trusted source but make sure you have a cadre of them (and be very selective about who/what you include it!)
[Posted by R.S.]
Oh No, Say It Ain't So...
December 12, 2009
Color me speechless, for I'm shocked, shocked!
Can it really be that we spy on our friends?!
A new book openly claims that America uses embassy staff for "methodical intelligence gathering." See story here.
[Posted by R.S.]
October 20, 2009
As the UN's Richard Goldstone travels the world with his noxious report on so-called "Israeli war crimes," on behalf of the Orwellian UN Human Rights Council, which is populated by some of the most atrocious human rights abusers on earth, and which President Barack Obama decreed that we join, the former Commander of British troops in Afghanistan, Col. Richard Kemp, speaks truth to power as he testifies in front of this disgraceful institution (see below).
BRAVO to Col. Kemp, and SHAME on President Obama & co. for participating in and enabling this mockery of justice, and for tainting us all with the pungent stench of appeasement.
Our National Security Policy
October 14, 2009
For a clearer understanding of President Obama's national security policy, see this video.
[Posted by R.S.]
Big Brother Is Watching
August 11, 2009
A cautionary tale for those who tweet, twitter and post their inner most thoughts online (see item below). Remember, Big Brother is always watching...
Which brings to mind something that columnist Thomas Sowell wrote today, i.e., "Perhaps the scariest aspect of our times is how many people think in talking points, rather than in terms of real-world consequences."
Indeed, although even scarier is how many people would rather tweet, than think at all.
See "Pentagon's a 'Net Minder.'"
[Posted by R.S.]
Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).
And Then Some
Dangling Israel
March 24, 2022
New Global Leaders
March 23, 2022