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- So Did Ya Hear The One About...
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- Wahhabi U. Strikes Again
- Ambushed
- Surrender Monkeys
- The Speech That Was Banned
- How To Become A Foreign Policy Advisor
- Headless Body in Gutless Press
- With A "Certain Firmness”
- New U.S. Office?!
- Oh No, Say It Ain't So...
- Truly Fitting Tribute
- The Moron Vote
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- Us Regular-Folk Would Like To Know
- Disturbing Interview About Chemical Attacks
- Et Tu, Fox?
- Our National Security Policy
- Big Brother Is Watching
- Does Anyone Know...
- An Excellent Rule
- Great video, although....
- Allah Made Him Do It
- Spot On!
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- Rosy, You're Doing A Heckuva Job!
- Does Anyone Know?
- The New Moderate Hardliner
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- What The Current Admin Means For The Next Two Years
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- Dinner Briefing
- Surrender Is Not an Option
- The Long War
- Eliminating Web of Terror: Blueprint for Victory
- Israel and the Global War Against Radical Islam
- Iran and U.S. Interests in the Middle East
- Syria: Briefing & Update
- Luncheon Briefing: A View From the White House
- Global War on Terror: A View From the White House
- Influence of Iraq & Afghanistan on Future Warfare
- Decision Making in Iran: Iranian Mindset
- Failure Factory: Undermining America’s Security
- Strongest Tribe: War, Politics & Endgame in Iraq
- Israel and the Neighborhood: Briefing & Update
- Confronting Jihad
- Inside the Pentagon at the Dawn of War on Terror
- Day After Elections: What To Do About Iran & M.E.
- Shadow Warriors
- Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld
- Briefing & Update on Iran and Afghanistan
- The U.S. Justice Department and Islamist Threat
- The Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Threat
- Lessons From the USS Cole Bombing
- Bush to Obama: Forward to the Past?
- Voting "Present" at the U.N.
- Terror on the High Seas
- Afghanistan: Prescription for Warrior Deaths
- Afghanistan: Wrong Strategy, R.O.E's & Timetable
- Protecting America in the New Missile Age
- Wrong Approach To National Security
- Inside Jihad: Confronting Radical Islam
- Trying Terrorists In Civilian Courts [Part I]
- The Muslim Brotherhood in America [Part II]
- Current Proliferation Threats & Arms Control
- Current Threats to U.S. National Security
- Shifting Sands of the Middle East
- U.S. Missile Defense: Lessons from Israel’s Iron Dome Experience
- America At Risk: Is U.S. Military On Path To Becoming Hollow Force?
- The Silent Danger: Cyber Threats
- Donate
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- Sultan Fruitcake
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- Fleeing Turkey
- Another Munich Agreement
- Déjà Vu All Over Again?
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- 'Vetted Moderate' Groups
- 'Don’t Call Us Arabs'
- What 'Policy Interests'?
- Fraternizing With The Enemy
- Arming Enemies; Betraying Allies
- Fleeing Britain
- Anatomy Of Disgrace
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- Say It Ain’t So, Ayatollah
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- Masterful Speech
- Dear Ayatollahs
- The Winners
- Sweetening The Capitulation
- Orwellian Farce
- "An Unexpected Surprise"
- "Celebrating" 9/11?
- Welcome To Syracuse-stan
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- Welcome To Missile Town
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- Fruits of Appeasement
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- While You Were Sleeping...
- Another 'Fantastic' Deal
- Gradually, Then Suddenly
- Selective Amnesia
- The Storyteller Behind The President
- A Bad Agreement Turns 100
- Not In Our Name
- Cyber Oasis In The Desert
- FBI Informant Living With 9/11 Hijackers
- Eruptions Of Inspired Idiocy
- Blood Money
- As It Began, So It Ends
- When Nazis Landed On LI
- Ayatollah Hitler
- Song Of Peace
- Appeasement Squared
- Empires & Caliphates
- Obama Admin Busted
- Vindictive
- Curious Timing
- Another Day, Another Balcony
- Sleazy & Sleazier
- Falsehoods Galore
- Jews Downgraded
- The Russians Are Coming...
- Lies, Damned Lies & BO Lies
- But Can They Fly Them?
- The Bipartisan Myth
- The Arsonist & Fire Brigade
- Here Comes Da Proliferation
- The Russians Have Landed
- Lap of Luxury
- U.S. Fumble Policy
- About That Iran Deal...
- Hit By Traffic From Both Sides
- United Dregs of Humanity
- Breathtakingly Stupid
- China: Don't Make Fools Of Yourselves
- Diplomacy Or Wine?
- European Union Of Bigots
- Sanctified Tantrums
- Not-So-Brave New World
- Edifice Of Hate
- Russia Provokes; US Pacifies
- Iranians Hack Rye Dam
- Make-Believe Security
- Forever Fickle & Confused
- Surprise, Surprise
- World Reacts With Horror
- Gift That Keeps On Giving
- Shalom From Iran!
- Uncle Joe Strikes Again
- Nyet, Not So Fast
- Those 'Secret' Relationships
- And The Beat Goes On...
- Opening The Floodgates
- Chutzpah, Iranian-Style
- Fruits Of Poisonous Tree
- Jew-Hatred Hazardous To One's Health
- Events Are Conspiring
- Jeers For Cruz
- NYPD Nice
- Israel Take Heart
- G-d Bless 'Unidentified'
- An Historic Farce
- WH Leans On Jewish Community
- Civilized Surrender
- If You Build It, They Will Come
- Memo From Copy Desk
- Meet The New Guys In Town
- President Bamlet Dithers
- Fools-R-Us
- The Country ISIS Fears
- The Deal That Keeps A-Changin'
- Moral Mullahs
- Fly The Friendly Skies of the Mullahs
- Ayatollah Obama, Wahhabis & Iran
- Federal Deprogramming
- Inklings Of Enlightenment
- Weak, Decadent & Disorderly
- Loose Lips & Big Mouths
- United States Of Disgraceful
- Reality-Based Leadership
- Persian Spring
- Why Is Pakistan More Legitimate than Israel?
- Spreading Fertilizer
- Offense Alert
- Kooks With Nukes
- Obama & The Seven Dwarfs
- It's Working!
- Chinese Navy: "You Go!"
- The Three D's
- STOP Feeding These Orgs
- Morally Rotten Continent
- To Alleviate Confusion
- You Were Born That Way!
- Incentive Program For Killers
- The Toothless Lobby
- Iran Is 'Displeased'
- Guided Tours Through Hell
- Dear Cupcakes
- Another Source Of Income
- Calling On Joe Wilson, 4th
- LIARS Inc.
- New World Order
- Sin Of 'Overwarning'
- Fight Back?
- Bibi & The Generals
- Sliding Into The Abyss
- Syria Using Human Shields On Tanks
- Thugocracy Marches On
- Delusions Of Grandeur & Respect
- Russian Reset Palooza
- Hater-In-Chief
- Trump Is America
- Our Negotiating Buddies
- Prepare For Battle
- BREAKING NEWS: Pathological Liars Lie
- To Water Or Whine
- Culturally Stupid
- Cockroaches, Backpacks & National Security
- Iran Outfitting Planes For Suicide Runs
- Fabricating Crises
- Spreading The Hate
- A Criminal Endeavor
- Funding Terrorism
- Epic Fail
- Athens Burning
- The Facilitators
- The Landmark Deal That Wasn't
- The Groveling Continues
- Meet The Competition
- Battle Of The Islamists
- Just Another "Business" Arrangement
- Irony, Hypocrisy & IS
- The Royals & The Nazis
- The Real Story
- Big Mullah Is Watching...
- Barbarians-In-Training
- Payback, Turkey Style
- Throwing Israel Under The Bus
- "Kissing Assad’s Ass"
- Hope & Change = Petty & Vindictive
- The Surrender Continues...
- An Intriguing Conundrum
- Theater Of The Absurd
- Another Foreign Policy Bonanza
- About That Pivot To Asia-Pacific
- Moderate Indonesia
- Accomplices To Evil
- Hiring: Schizophrenics & Intellectually Disabled
- N. Korea Orders People Home
- Diverting Western Anger
- Anatomy Of Betrayal
- Already Sanitizing
- IF Iran Cheats
- "What Should We Do/Not Do?"
- Our Patience Has Run Out
- The ATM-In-Chief
- Selective Secrecy
- President Chamberlain & Ayatollah Hitler
- Anatomy Of Deception
- Label This
- Groupthink Zombies
- How America Became Irrelevant
- Yes, You Can!
- Return To Sender
- Carving Up Syria
- Preparing For War
- With Friends Like This...
- Portrait Of A Weasel
- Resupplying Iran
- Obama Parting Shot-Cuba
- Fric & Frac
- Strangle The Funding
- So Now What?
- The Eight Great Powers
- Equal Opportunity Bombers
- A Clear, Grave Threat
- Speaking Truth To Power
- Lethal Garbage
- One Country the UN Doesn't Need
- Ganging Up On Israel
- Our Second Civil War
- Another Legacy 'Tidbit'
- Sabotage & Shadow Governments
- It's The Education, Stupid
- Let Them Eat Cake!
- Flying Blind & Frustrated
- The Damage He Has Wrought
- So What's In Secret Iran Deal?
- Misunderstanding Islam Again?
- Our 'Deal Partners'
- 'You Should Be Ashamed'
- Taking On North Korea Alone?
- Toxic Islamic Discourse
- In Case Of Armageddon
- Heading Our Way?
- The Swamp
- How To Exit An Abhorrent Deal
- Incriminating Sites Off Limits
- The Rattlesnake Rule
- A Punctuated Message
- Remarkable Discovery In Jerusalem
- W-A-S-T-E of Time
- Let Sleeping Dogs Lie?
- Disease Of The Arab Mind
- Fact-Free & Logic-Free
- The Community Agitator
- Blaring Sirens
- Deadly Payloads
- Another Tangled Web
- Ticking Time Bombs
- Special Delivery
- Qatar’s Dirty Hands
- Who Turned On The Spigot?
- The Swamp Dwellers
- A Ceasefire...Maybe
- Myths We Delude Ourselves By
- Iron Dome For NY
- "Rational" Actors
- One Last Shot
- On 'Recruiting' Terrorists
- Here Come The Marines
- Helping North Korea
- Oil, MERS & Wahhabism
- State of Our Missile-Defense
- Case Study...for WHAT?
- Ivy League Haters
- Russia's New Chaos Theory
- Fast Fatwas
- Flunks The Smile Test
- There Goes Mahmoud...Again
- A Truly Cockamamie Idea
- In Dark Of Night
- Rutgers & Anti-Semitism
- The Chickens*** Controversy
- "Operation Brothers"
- The Purge
- Arab NATO?
- Willingness To Be Offended
- A Frozen Constituency
- Reading The American Press In Arabic
- US To Buy Israel's Iron Dome
- Shocker!
- America Punked...Again
- Afghanistan Redux On Syrian Border?
- Blind & Befuddled...Again
- More Than Meets The Eye
- "Shut Up" Or Make Peace
- The New York Slimes
- Why They Hate
- World Begins Anew Every Day
- Angry Dems
- Reminder Of Unabated Hostility
- Funding Anti-Semitism
- Renewables Versus Modern Civilization?
- "Useful" Idiots?
- North Korea Finalizing Plans
- Terror Inc.
- Messing Up Every Time
- Misery Under Islamic Rule
- Those Israeli Women
- Canaanite Fortress
- Vulnerable New Friends
- The Expanding Campaign
- Growing 'Destabilizing Threat'
- Timing For Bizarre Talks
- Torching Relations In The Middle East
- Premature Prostration
- Incubating Jihadis
- Cancel Culture Plus
- Face of Evil & Hatred
- Turkish Stockholm Syndrome
- The China Curse
- Biden Wasting $$ On Bupkis
- "Schmuck's Deal"
- Lionizing Khashoggi?
- Council of Fools
- Zarif’s Rivalry & Kerry’s Betrayal
- Intentional Deception?
- America's Realignment
- Another Arab Myth
- Politicized Holiness
- Drone Swarms
- Beheadings Raise "Doubts"?!
- Tunnel Crawlers
- Riding Off Into The Sunset?
- The Iran Syndrome
- Another Confusion Crisis
- Deeply Rational Fear
- Terror, Corruption, Mayhem
- Woke U.S. Military
- Largesse of American Taxpayer
- Hamas And Its False Narratives
- Iran's Key Charlatan
- The NY Times & Its Fetishes
- The Islamization of Europe
- Iran Triples Its Capacity
- Another Betrayal
- The Anti-Israel Retreads
- Unearthing History
- Afghanistan Debacle
- A Quranic Zionist
- Charred Remains Found
- Sea Change in US-Israel Relations
- No One Is Listening, Mr. President
- A Toxic Ideology
- Endangering Israel
- New Global Leaders
- Gutless Wimps of DC
- STOP Apologizing On Our Behalf
- The Enemy Of My Friend
- Meet The Arab Zionists
- Meet Danish Frogmen
- Another Secret Deal
- Ukraine Can Learn From Israel
- Dangling Israel
- Stealing Jerusalem
- So Where Are The Apologies Now?
- Surrender Monkeys
- Behold The Insulters
- Risk-Averse Spies
- US Policy In A Tweet
- Where's The Outrage?
- Fallujah In Gaza?
- Stunners & Bummers
- It's Not You, Islam, It's Us
- Today's 'Freedom Fighters' Tomorrow's Terrorists?
- Throw The Bums Out
- Islamic Doctrine of ‘Creative Lying’
- Useful Idiots Of DC
- Our New Stature In The World
- The Dimwit Contingency Chimes In
- Female Terrorist Hosts TV Talk Show
- A Touching Career Change
- "Macho & Wrong"
- The Accidental Emperor
- King Of The Islamists
- MB Creepin' Along
- NEEDED: A Spine
- Taking Out The Garbage
- Jews of Europe: Get Out Now
- The Case for Arming the Syrian Opposition?
- The Zone (4)
- Terror Tunnels
- Offending Whose Sensibilities?
- Vive La Surrender Monkeys
- Iran Cleaning Up
- Austria Being Austria
- Hamas Says...
- Spinning While Talking
- Jihadis Over-Easy
- Anatomy of Incompetence
- Guess Who's Coming To Town
- Mother, May I?
- Another Day At Cesspool Central
- On The Wrong Side...Again
- Our Security Hinges On...
- Nuke Threat On Border
- Yes, We Can (Then Again...)
- Healthcare With Sprinkles
- 'Virginity Tests' In Egypt
- The New "Fed Express"
- Don't Hold Your Breath
- Did You Know?
- Prominent Meet Sleaze
- Another Fake Photo
- Celebrating Evil
- Lost In A Region Of Sharks
- Iranian Scourge In Azerbaijan
- More Tidings Of Joy From RoP
- Meet Major M.
- No Way To Pick Friends
- From Assad With Love
- The Syrian Boom
- Blabbermouth Central Strikes Again
- Some Inconvenient Facts
- Confrontation Confirmed
- What's Wrong With This Picture
- Another Lie In The Life Of The Presidency
- North Korean Quickie
- Barack Hussein Chamberlain
- Gutless Wonders
- Oops, They Meant It…
- Welcome To Bizarro World
- Nation of Wimps
- Sharia Warrants For Raids
- U.S. Grants Exemptions From Iran Sanctions
- After The Jihad
- Hogwash: “Don't Blame Islam For Toulouse Killings”
- The Real Thing
- Nuts-R-Us
- Operation A Success, But Patient Dead
- VP Foot-In-Mouth
- Fade Away, Bubba
- Ethnic Cleansing Of Christians
- Do-Gooders vs National Security
- Make-Believe Foreign Policy
- Inflationary Martyrdom
- HATERS, Inc.
- Compare & Contrast
- Too Late
- National Security By Orwell
- Our Whisperer-in-Chief
- New Threat Report
- "I Have Israel's Back"
- Kremlin Knows My Schedule
- Who's Who When & Where
- Iran Boots Reuters Over Ninja Headline
- Perpetual Victimhood
- Creepy Haute Couture
- Turning Oil Into Salt
- While We Were Sleeping
- Obama's Global Fantasies
- The Violation of Calm
- Bombs & Kooks: A Winning Combo
- U.S. of Blissful Ignorance
- Putin's Winter Wonderland
- The Ideology of Political Expediency
- FATWA On The Peninsula
- Our Commander-in-Chief In A Nutshell
- L'Histoire Se Répète
- Encyclopedic Ignorance, Part Deux
- Can War Be Far Behind?
- Cheap Words
- Surprise!
- Premature Exuberance
- They Still Don't Get It
- So Much For Sanctions...
- Return Of Dhimmitude
- Blow Them Away With Windmills
- Afghan Schoolgirls Poisoned
- Dear Activist
- Russia Won't Invade Ukraine?
- SEALS Slam Obama
- Thrift, Decline & Defeatism
- TSA Obergropenführers
- P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C
- Desperately Seeking Trouble
- Enemy Named
- Uncle Sucker
- Go Ahead, Make Our Day!
- Respect For Barbarians
- The Disease & The Antidote
- Another Ship of Fools
- A Brutal Blast of Adverbs
- Vows, Marches & Threats
- Perverse Logic
- Disgusting Is Right
- Tomato/Tomahto, Both Are Deadly
- Sitting Ducks
- The Supreme Loon
- Riddle of the Day
- Welcome To The Friendly Skies of Al Qaeda
- The Swamp In Midtown Manhattan
- Befuddled Responses
- Useful Idiots Of Brandeis U
- NY's Senators Stood Silent
- Ignoring Lessons Of The Past
- Closed Due To Feast
- Group Therapy At The U.N.
- We Cede Our Values For Free
- Novel Approach To Dealing With Radical Islam
- The Collaborators
- Putting Lipstick On "Bipartisans"
- Bullets & Blather
- Insanity Grips The World
- No Magical Cure For Envy
- Ich Bin Ein [fill in the blank]
- A "Rose" By Any Other Name
- Simplicity At Its Best
- Why We ALL Love Australia
- Yes, Virginia, the Saudis Actually Do Lie
- Eureka, Problem Solved
- The One Times Two
- Here Come Da Fatwas
- And The Joke Is... Us
- Calling A Spade, A Spade
- And Away We Go
- Heartwarming Capture
- Pricey Image Control
- Official Destructo Machine
- Hedging Your Bets
- The Ankara (Munich) Pact
- Sherlock Napolitano On The Case
- FIBA, FIFA & (lots of) FUFU
- Monuments To Lunacy
- Like Clockwork Here It Comes...
- Some Hard Truths
- Moderate Extremists
- Upgrade Delight
- Dumb and Dumber
- Fine-Tuning the BS-o-Meter
- 60 Tons of Goodwill
- Ambassadorial Chutzpah
- Backbone & Moral Clarity
- Idiots of Wahhabi U.
- Barbarians At The Gate
- Greetings From The Lovers of Peace
- New Rocket Bases...Guess Where
- Jew-Free & Chock Full o'Jihadis
- World's Bottom-Feeders Unite
- China's New Aircraft Carrier
- Bring On The Lawyers
- Free Appendectomies For All
- The Incoherent Wing
- Obama's Turkeys
- Duped
- So What's The "Irrational" Part
- Another Good Ship Lollipop
- Welcome to the U.S. of Alarab
- Delivery Via Navy Express
- Fatimah's New Spring Line
- Jihad, Journalists & Jackasses
- Signs in Arabic...Why?
- Pain & Congress
- Our Chosen Losers
- Dangerous Academic Exercises
- Bridge For Sale
- Blowing Hot Air
- Lethal Weapons
- Egypt Burning
- Take A Good Hard Look Around
- Diplomacy At Its Best
- The Islamic Thinkers Society
- Here We Go Again...
- Conflict Solved
- Did Bush Kill His Own Doctrine?
- So Much To Hope For...
- Truth Squad
- An Impatient Public
- Proper Wartime Etiquette
- New National Dress Code
- Then As Now...
- Mazel Tov, Suha
- Oh Jacques, Say It Ain't So!
- After Solving The World's Problems
- That Upstanding Bunch, UNIFIL
- Secret Revealed, Leakers Exposed
- Guess Who's Baaack?
- No Democracy, Just Islam
- Europe's Dress Code Problem
- Handle With TLC
- Not Everything Needs To Be Shared
- Time For Council To Move Their Derrières
- End Of An Affair (Thank G-d)
- The Disloyalists
- Enough is Enough
- Brainteasers For a Monday Morn
- A Good Scolding
- Attack Of The Screaming Banshees
- More Lethal Than Nukes
- Turkey (or U.S.) Problem?
- So Much For Deterrence
- Why?
- So Much By So Few
- About Those Thin Lines
- Picture That Says It All
- Go Turks
- Tie A Blue Ribbon, Or Better Yet...
- Quote of the Day
- More PC-Style Thinking (Part Deux)
- What If The Bums Are Us?
- Moderate What?
- Bolton Bolts
- Euros Will Be Euros
- That "Fragile" Relationship
- Throw The Bums Out
- Inculcating Them With Hate
- Ugly American
- Reassurances... And Then What?
- Springtime in Islamberg
- Grand Strategy or Insanity?
- Weakness On Iran Bites Us
- Here Comes Da Bomb
- Our Wahhabi "Friends"
- Academic Fools
- Columbia's Spectacle
- The Enemy Within
- Why Force Them To Stay?
- Yes, Condi, There Is a Santa Claus...
- B.O.B Crowd
- Choose Your Poison
- Gossip Queens
- Israeli-Syrian Conflict Can Be Resolved In Minutes
- Ahmadinejad Wasn't Too Impressed
- Give Them Something To Talk About
- Torture By Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie...
- Hello, Ahmed, Clear Out!
- NY's Senators Need To Find Their Vocal Chords
- With Deep Regrets
- The Sine Qua Non of Sophistication
- Zero Apologies
- Too Late...Again
- Less De-Nuking, More Inflating
- Unarmed Diplomats Endangered
- Times That Try Men's Souls
- Fruits of the Arab Spring
- Group Insult
- More "Vacation" Photos
- Your Next Vacation Photos?
- It's The Personnel, Stupid!
- Encyclopedic Ignorance
- The Zone (1)
- The Zone (2)
- Fiddling While Rome Burns
- Um, Freedom To Do What?!
- Useless Friends
- Another Day At Comedy Central/DC Branch
- Stark, Raving Crazy
- Afghan AWOLS Found?!
- Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
- Another Day in UN Bizarro World
- Beware of Offending
- Coups For Dummies
- Bumps On The Noggin
- Without A Passport?
- Pictures Worth Thousands Of Words
- Arab World's Dirty Little Secret
- Where In The World Is Feisal?
- PC Run Amok
- Experiencing The Joy
- Feel-Good Policy
- Permission Denied?!
- Stop The Presses!
- Huh?
- The Tweedledee & Tweedledum Show
- Fatwas For Flyers
- President Charming
- Missiles & Olympics
- Dressed To The Nines
- War By Committee
- The "Other" Side
- Those Ever Lovin' "Freedom Fighters"
- D-i-s-g-r-a-c-e
- Fair & Balanced
- Threats To Kill American Generals
- The Bobbleheads
- Holy Nukes
- Lone Wolves
- Spies Caught
- R-E-S-P-E-C-T
- And What About Apes & Pigs?
- Institutions of Hate
- Dead Weight
- Military Dictatorship, Oh My
- The United States of What?
- It Trickles Down
- But We're Still Gonna Kill You
- Throat-Slitting For Dummies
- International Chutzpah
- Novel Idea
- Move It
- Lady Qaeda Does New York
- Snookered & Bamboozled
- Too Little, Too Late...Again
- Thug-In-Chief
- Morons, Inc.
- The Great Pretender
- Siding With The Wrong Side...Again
- Eradicating Human Frailty
- Welcome To The Friendly Skies
- Another Day, Another Site
- Found!!
- Because They Can
- Nuke-Free & Wisdom-Free
- What Americans "Thought"
- Guess Who Really Discovered America?
- Hear Ye, Hear Ye
- Idiots-R-Us
- If It Walks Like A Duck...
- Dots, Lies & Slime
- A Deadly Disease
- Why Do Birds Fly
- Dumbed-Down Travel Warnings
- Bir-Zeit-On-Hudson University
- Springtime With Hitler
- Gluttons For Punishment
- To Burqa Or Not To Burqa
- Searching For "Party Space" Near Ground Zero
- The Stench of Weakness
- Rent-An-Afghan
- Genteel Wars?
- From A Former "Freedom-Fighter"
- Battered-Nation Syndrome
- Another Ex-Intel Official Flaunts His Ignorance
- Experts & Useless Advice
- Warning, Danger Ahead
- Stages for Tyrants
- Council of Fools
- Hamas Medicine Grenades
- An "Honor To Support Hamas"
- It's Amateur Hour Time
- Qaddafi Spits in the NY Times' Face
- Job Announcement
- Making Deals With The Devil
- Look Who's In Charge of Security
- Recycling Failed Officials
- When in Rome...
- Advice From the NY Times
- The Art of Self Pity
- Leeches, Liars & Do-Nothing Bureaucrats
- When In Doubt, Dumb It Down
- Analysis Paralysis
- Bush Derangement Syndrome
- Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
- Good Guys-Bad Guys
- Excuses, Excuses
- Talking Can Indeed Hurt
- Terror Alert Via Mexico
- Babysitters-R-Us
- And The Oscar Goes To...
- Ignorance In Action
- Whys & Wherefores
- Layers of What?
- What's In A Name?
- An Un-American Moment In History
- Case of the Stupids
- When Pravda Call Us Communists
- An "Even-Handed Approach" With al-Qaeda?
- Now That's Torture
- Wake Up And Smell The Coffins
- Another Miscreant To Roam The Earth
- The Gift That Keeps On Giving
- Babes In Arms
- Conspiracy Overdrive
- Trickle-Down Disaster
- The Most Honorable People In The World
- Today's Weasels Are Tomorrow's...
- The Embarrassment
- His & Hers Demonstrations
- Question of the Day
- Joyous(?) Announcement
- Me, Myself & I
- The Eleventh Plague
- Triple “D” (Squared!)
- Whodunnit Mystery Solved!
- Abstention Is Not An Option
- Why They Worry
- Useful Idiot From the CIA (no less)
- Survival Of The Nicest?
- Adolescent Angst
- Burqa Alert
- Attack of the Historians
- Calling Their Bluff
- Suck It Up, Mr. Secretary
- Feel The Brotherly Love
- Witchcraft, Sorcery & More
- Harsh Words For Harsh Times
- Humanity's Troubling Dilemma
- Brilliant Common Sense
- Blood For Politics
- Just Save Our Way Of Life!
- U.S. Should Forcibly Stop IAF
- Long Live The Bureaucrats
- Why We're Wusses
- Cirque du Soleil à la Washington DC
- Spreading Disinformation
- Please Pretty Please
- New Embassy!
- The Twit Candidate
- Deadly New Killer Flu
- Evacuation of Expats From Eurozone
- The Wonders of Green Energy
- China Hackers Strike Again
- Whitewashing Campaign
- Royal Liars
- The Multi-Culti Brigade
- RoP Strikes Again
- Iranian Chic
- One Step Forward, Two Back
- Temple of Doom
- Shameful Chapter In American History
- Emergency Meeting!
- The Zone (3)
- State Of Our Nation
- Top Threat of 2012
- I-n-d-e-f-e-n-s-i-b-l-e
- North Korea's Teletubby
- Oh Yeah?!
- Gratitude, Iranian-Style
- Gutting Defense; Rewarding Bureaucrats
- "Friending" Terrorists
- Anyone Shocked, Shocked?
- Payback's A Bummer
- ISLAMophobia or JEWophobia?
- League of Gutless Wonders
- Build It Or Not, They Will Come
- Calling On OWS
- Fortress America (aka The Ron Paul Faction)
- 'I Was Threatened With Death For Doing My Job'
- Ominous City On A Hill
- Pre-Recorded Emergency Message?!
- Groveling Is Not A Strategy
- So What Else Is New?
- Beware of Fishermen Bearing Gifts
- Pakistan: "We've been getting mixed signals"
- Nyet, No Explanations!
- "Pissing Away the War on Terror"
- Sanctions: The Farce
- 3 Days of Venom at U Penn
- Oh, Canada
- Another Genocidal Mufti of Jerusalem
- Cell Phone Use A War Crime
- Syria Too Dangerous For Terrorist Leader
- Saudi Mufti: Twitter Full Of Lies
- OUR Gutless Wonders
- CAIR 1 - West Point 0
- Incentivizing Killers
- Chaos In Egypt
- So Much For Democracy
- FBI-Scotland Yard Conversation Hacked
- More Worried About Israel Than Iran
- Murderous Vote
- Another Spit In The Face
- B-R-I-L-L-I-A-N-T Brit
- American Psyche Easily Manipulated
- FBI Warns Of New Threat
- BOMBSHELL: The Brits Did It
- A Perfect Storm?
- Fire The Flunkers (& Clunkers)
- Running-Mouth Syndrome
- Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe
- An Offer They Can't Refuse
- Iraqi Cure For Unemployment
- Beware of Hotel Internet Connections
- Flotillas Of Islamic Goodwill
- Fumbling From Behind
- Genocidal Murderers, Inc.
- Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest
- Don’t Know Much About Much
- Excuses-R-Us
- Spain’s Boondoggle; America To Follow?
- Pivoting Into Irrelevance
- Censored
- Cruise To Paradise
- Turkeys
- Whack-A-Mole
- The Wonders of Sharia
- Wanted: Suicide Bombers
- "Freedom-Lovers"
- Other People's Money
- A Case Of The Stupids
- "Freedom Fighters" Attack Women At Rally
- Deadly Islamic Garb
- Al Shabaab Offers Livestock For Obama, Clinton
- Network For Nitwits
- Our Friends, The Russians
- To Build or Blow Up, That Is The Question
- Happy Graduation Day!
- RUSSIA Means What It Says
- Flotillas Shmotillas
- One Small Step For Man…
- Bizarre Taliban Threat
- OWS Success
- Instead Say "Martyrdom-Seeking Operation"
- Russian Ship Bound For Syria Turns Back
- Another Day In A "Leaderless World"
- Just Spinning Along
- Mr. Terrorist Goes To Washington
- Get Ready To Rumble
- Stupid Is As Stupid Does
- Islamic Terror Metastasizing
- Preview Of Coming Attractions
- Elections Have Consequences
- Chock Full o'Crock
- Pure, Unadulterated Evil
- From The Mouths Of Historians
- More Of That Brotherly Love
- Bypassing Sanctions... Again
- Radioactive!
- From Putin With Love
- Brutality of WHOM?
- The United Nuthouse
- Time To Expose
- Enough UN Treaties!
- Crackerjack Report
- Sarin, Mustard & Cyanide, Oh My
- Do You Know Where YOUR Money Is?
- Do You Know Where YOUR Money Is? (Part Deux)
- Running Roughshod Over Allies
- Some Quick Un-PC Updates
- Message From The 'Other Side'
- Channelling John Bolton
- Chem Weapons & War Planes
- They Snooze, We Lose
- PU to the EU
- The Victim Did It
- Alger Hiss Redux?
- Europe Simply Being Europe
- "Stinks To High Heaven"
- The Muddle East
- Saved!
- Happy Annihilation Day!
- “Healthily Hard-Ass” Foreign Policy?
- Of Course It’s The Culture, Stupid
- My Neighbor, The Hamas Leader
- UPDATE To “Alger Hiss Redux?”
- Today's Shockers
- A Nation Of Low Expectations
- A Tactic Without A Strategy
- 'Robust' Foreign Policy In Action
- Dishonorable Disclosures
- Christians & Jews Need Not Apply
- Cautionary Word From Former Superpower
- Welcome To HorrorLand
- Brits Reverting To Chamberlainism
- US Foreign Bungling Policy
- Another Dempsey Pearl
- Scourge of Mankind
- We're Fans Of The Five Percent
- DNC's Islamic "Fun Fest"
- A Brighter Future?
- 'Discover Russia'
- Sullying Their Brands
- General Foot-In-Mouth
- Hope & Change, R.I.P
- 'Gilded Charm Offensive'
- Eau de Loons
- Top Hypocrite Brass
- A Vote That Will Live In Infamy
- What's With All The Whispering?
- The Age of TMI
- Get A Life!
- Where Are The American People?!
- Dear Devout Muslims
- Tomorrow’s Breaking News
- Devout Killers, Inc.
- Groundhog Day
- Another Planet's Hell
- We Lied
- Tolerance For Thee, But Not For Me
- A Whole Lotta Nothing
- A Revolutionary Act
- Like Sheep To The Slaughter
- Little House In Braunau
- Appeasement Swedish-Style
- Willing to Fight, But 'Not Be Murdered'
- Bunkum, Balderdash & Murder
- Who’s Running The U.S. Military?
- The Side That Isn't & Doesn't
- Leading From Behind
- Botched, Bungled & Butchered
- Jihactivists
- Entry Denied
- ‘Murky Waters’
- Barricading Google
- Stuck on Arrogant
- Another Day in Centrifuge-Land
- Death, Deceit & Dishonor
- Benghazi: A National Disgrace
- Previews of More To Come
- Kick Me
- The "Cooling Out" Process
- More Benghazi Spin
- The National Disgrace Cont'd
- Superpower At Twilight
- 2016: Obama's America
- Waste of Oxygen
- Eye of the Beholder
- Pleased & Proud
- Weak & Confused
- MIA/Amber Alert For Me, Myself & I (Updated)
- Operation Not-Taking-It-Anymore
- Murderous Clowns of M.E.
- Justice, The Hamas Way
- WRONG... Again
- The 'Joys' of Sharia
- Next Up: Acts II & III
- Go Canada!
- Slow Extinction
- Phoning It In
- On Our Way Out
- Rules of War By Forrest Gump
- The Conning Of A Nation
- The People Have Spoken
- The Illusion
- Deaf, Dumb & Blind
- Top-Secret: New WMD
- America’s New 'Dream Team'
- Success Doesn't Beget Success
- His World View
- Infiltration Confirmed, Now What?
- Sounding Tough For Dummies
- US $$ For Ode To Osama
- It's The Anti-Americanism, Stupid
- For 'Low-Info' Voters
- Another ‘Jihadi’ Crisis
- Our 'Trusted' Friends
- They Blew Him Away
- Our Gift To World Peace
- Feeding The Crocodile... Again
- 46 Reasons To Think Twice
- They Have It All
- Disarming America
- A Very Disturbing Dot
- Today's Only Pro-Israel Party
- From Russia With Love
- Pivot & Cut
- Off With Their (Christian) Heads
- Holy Shark Bait
- The Latest From The Swamp
- Feeding The Enemy
- Here We Go
- Lessons From "Iron Dome"
- Incoherent & Expensive
- Rewarding Bad Behavior
- 'Profiles In Hatred' Award
- America's Future Voters?
- Saudi 'Ingenuity'
- Truth Appended (Reluctantly)
- Axis of Something
- State Department Disgrace
- Catch & Release
- A 'Game-Changer'?
- The Great Pontificator-In-Chief
- Middle East Bonanza (Updated)
- Turkish Piece of Work
- Feeding The Beast
- A Culture Of Savagery
- Any Excuse To Destroy
- Bumps In The Road
- Gun Control For Whom?
- From the Snake Pit
- Pause In Genocidal Activities
- T'was Accurate Before It Became Inaccurate
- An Embarrassment Of Thugs
- Dear World
- What Is An "Enemy"?
- It’s Not The IEDs
- The Real Question
- U.S. Dollars Keep A-Flowin'
- Laughingstocks of the World
- General Brownnose, USA
- Investigating The Investigators
- Flakes Unite
- Europe Aids & Abets... Again
- Chock Full o'Nuts
- Umpteenth Wake-Up Call
- 'Unacceptable'
- Who Invited The Imam?
- There’s Plenty Of There, There
- Aiding Savagery
- Islamism Metastasizing
- Et Tu, Australia?
- MEMBERS' CORNER: Deference To Appeasement
- A Vulture Fest
- Distraction, Arab-Style
- What “Islamic” Problem?
- Arming 'Martyrs' Brigades
- Creeping Infiltration
- BOHICA, America
- MEMBERS’ CORNER: Wishing It Away
- 'Intelligent' Sanctions?
- Coming Soon To Theatre Near You
- Samantha [Let's-Invade-Israel] Power
- It’s The Who, Not The What
- Oops, Missed One
- Why Does History Repeat Itself?
- Intra-Terrorist Competition
- Islamist Turned Zionist
- Pernicious Nonsense
- Beware of Terrorists Bearing Gifts
- Hello Distinguished Surgeon
- Snooping In All The Wrong Places
- They Win, We Lose
- Manpads & No-Fly Zones
- Holier Than Thou
- Résumé of 'Moderate' Mass Murderer
- Orwell Town, DC
- Savages, Victims & Enablers
- To The Point
- “No Jews Allowed”
- Depth of Ineptitude
- Kerry In Wonderland
- History In The Making
- The Conundrum
- Dregs Of The World Unite
- Blabbermouths Inc.
- The View From Afar
- Update To Blabbermouths Inc.
- Union of Hypocrites
- Ambassador “Stooge”
- Our New Allies?
- Brits Deny Entry To Jewish Student
- Peace Partners?
- Designation Discrimination
- It's The Politics...
- About Painful Sacrifices
- Policy Purgatory
- Who's On The Run?
- Our Kinda Foreign Policy
- The Fruits of 'Moderation'
- Nobel Prize For Hypocrisy
- Being 'Fair' To Fanatics
- Tut-Tutting On The Sidelines
- Council On Islamist Thugocracy
- Coptic Kristallnacht
- The End Of The World?
- Disaster-In-Chief
- Battling The Jew-Haters
- French Are Toast
- Pallywood Redux?
- Gainful Employment
- Pallywood Bloopers
- The Mess He Hath Wrought
- What WMDs?
- Moderate Rebel Application Form
- Notable Quotables Archive
- Search Results
Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).
And Then Some
Dangling Israel
March 24, 2022
New Global Leaders
March 23, 2022