The New Moderate Hardliner
Bombs & Kooks: A Winning Combo
Holier Than Thou
Résumé of 'Moderate' Mass Murderer
June 23, 2013
To The Point
“The new President of Iran, the cleric Mr. Rowhani, accompanied Ayatollah Khomeini into exile in France in 1978, while they were finalizing the overthrow of the Shah. It’s all that needs to be known about Mr. Rowhani. He was then, and has been ever since, a front-line defender of the Islamic Republic. For front-line read hard-line,” writes David Pryce-Jones (see below).
Short, sweet and to the point. Just like we like it.
Is Rowhani a moderate? Is he more soothing and courteous than his predecessor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Will he have a positive effect on the Iranian regime (i.e., on the Ayatollah)?
The answer is, who cares?! The guy's part of a murderous regime. He answers only to the head of that murderous regime, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khaminei.
George Orwell once said: “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”
Well, we’re living in such times. The current debate/discussion over Rowhani is absurd. So speak up and tell the truth, folks, whenever and wherever you can.
National Review Online | June 20, 2013
Useful Idiots Aid Iran
By David Pryce-Jones
The new President of Iran, the cleric Mr. Rowhani, accompanied Ayatollah Khomeini into exile in France in 1978, while they were finalizing the overthrow of the Shah. It’s all that needs to be known about Mr. Rowhani. He was then, and has been ever since, a front-line defender of the Islamic Republic. For front-line read hard-line. The positions he has held on the various governing councils compromise him fully. He has been recorded making death threats, boasting that Iran cheats the West with its nuclear program and will get away with it. His election as president is anyhow a political conjuring trick. Iran is a dictatorship. Power is in the hands of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, and he vetted the candidates who stood for the office of president — whose function anyhow is only to implement the Supreme Leader’s policies. The voice is Mr. Rowhani’s but the thought is the Ayatollah’s.
Lo and behold! Mr. Rowhani’s qualification is that he replaces Mr. Ahmadinejad. He talks more courteously, and some of his words may be interpreted as soothing. Useful idiots in Britain like former Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont and former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw fantasize that everything will now be all right if only we make sure to give the Iranians whatever they ask for. The New York Times of course greets Mr. Rowhani as a moderate.
Time was when Stalin had to be helped because his enemies might dislodge him. The Foreign Office did not want to upset Hitler for fear of letting Goebbels take over. Andropov had butchered the Hungarian revolution but drank whisky and so had to be forgiven. Mr. Rowhani, it is amazing to read, is another Gorbachev, oh yes, a reformer.
The fact is that these dictators wish us ill. Propitiating them, the swarms of useful idiots are trying to postpone the day when we have to defend ourselves. The Iranians know this, and they play on it with a brilliance that we are unable to match. There is not the slightest chance that Iran will compromise its nuclear program or allow Syria to slip away. How pleased they must be in Tehran to be thought of as moderates, but how comic they must find it.
See article here.
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Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).