Loose Lips & Big Mouths
SEALS Slam Obama
The "Cooling Out" Process
VP Foot-In-Mouth
November 13, 2012
MIA/Amber Alert For Me, Myself & I (Updated)
* [See Update Alert at end of posting]
Photo: AP/Courtesy:
Many of us are still reeling from the 9/11 Benghazi attacks and senseless murder of four Americans including a US Ambassador. We're looking for answers to who knew what, when and why, so where is our Commander-in-Chief?
Up until Tuesday of last week, he was jetting off to exotic places like Las Vegas, Hollywood and NY for campaign fundraisers with the likes of Rapper Jay-Z, singer Beyonce, Vogue Magazine’s Anna Wintour and Sex in the City alum, Sarah Jessica Parker, and appearing on late night gabfests with TV/talk radio hosts like David Letterman and ‘Pimp With The Limp.’
Where was our Commander-in-Chief during the Benghazi attacks? We have yet to hear. What was he told and when was he told? He has yet to say. Meanwhile, he is re-elected for a second term in what is truly one of the dumbest elections in history. Still no word about Benghazi.
Two days later, CIA Director General David Petraeus resigns. Why? Sordid and salacious theories abound, including tales of FBI investigations, national security breaches, harassment, extra-marital affairs, custody disputes, pictures of shirtless FBI agents, possible involvement of US Commander in Afghanistan, General George Allen, and the list grows minute by minute. And where is the Commander-in-Chief?
Possibly prepping for his scheduled press conference tomorrow (Wednesday), although given the many faces of Obama, we can't help but wonder which one will show? Will it be:
♦ Narcissistic Obama, of "I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden"; "I met repeatedly with my national security team"; "I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action"; "at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation" fame?
♦ Fist Bump Obama, whose so-called "daring leadership" was summed up by VP Joseph Foot-In-Mouth Biden, i.e., "You can go back 500 years...[and you will not] find a more audacious plan [than the bin Laden raid]?"
♦ Loose Lips/Big Mouths Obama, whose administration suffers from a disease known as Running-Mouth Syndrome, i.e., the need to leak highly classified information, at any cost, so long as Mr. Obama is portrayed as The One?
♦ Or P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C Obama, who is so short on national security accomplishments that he has to fly to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan to give a grandiose speech to the nation marking the one-year anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden, while using armored vehicles and a captive audience of brave military folk as props?
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney today repeatedly responded to reporters' questions about Benghazi and the Petraeus scandal, with statements like “the President is focused on his agenda;” "the President is focused on moving the country forward economically;” "the President is focused on helping our economy create jobs;” and so on, but no answers to the questions asked.
Well, with all due respect to Mr. Carney, the President of the US is first and foremost Commander-in-Chief of US armed forces, which means focusing first and foremost on matters relating to US national security/foreign policy. Mr. Obama's lack of interest and inattentiveness to scandals affecting the US military, State Department, Justice Department and Intel communities are not only a clear dereliction of duty, but an insult to the people he serves.
Will the American people hold Mr. Obama and his administration accountable? Only time will tell, but as of now, Mr. Obama appears to be getting away with murder.
* 11/14/12 UPDATE ALERT: Me, Myself & I have been found! President Obama just completed his first press conference (in 8 months), in which he took reporters' questions. On national security/foreign policy matters (including the items discussed above), suffice it to say t'was the press conference about NOTHING. It will be interesting to see how the media portrays it. Stay tuned...
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Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).