Fumbling From Behind
Flotillas Of Islamic Goodwill
A Brutal Blast of Adverbs
U.S. of Blissful Ignorance
May 31, 2012
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday laid out arguments against armed intervention in Syria, despite last week's massacre in the town of Houla (see below).
Nothing like assuring murderous dictators they have nothing to worry about from the U.S. And nothing like giving allies a preview of what to expect if and when they need our help. Under the current administration, allies can expect to get bubkes, i.e., lots of excuses, lots of reasons for what the U.S. can’t do, and lots of meaningless rhetoric.
Ms. Clinton “stressed there was no international support because of Russian and Chinese opposition at the U.N. Security Council.” There go any and all illusions of America being a force for good in the world, not to mention abdication of America’s role as leader of the free world.
Now we’re just like everyone else. And like everyone else, we listen to what Cesspool Central (aka the UN), a third-world debating society, has to say. After all, if those bastions of freedom like China and Russia say nyet, then who are we to say otherwise, right?
"We are trying to keep pushing all the pieces to support Kofi Annan as an independent voice because the Syrians are not going to listen to us, said Ms. Clinton. “They may listen, maybe, to the Russians, so we have been pushing them."
Well, Madam Secretary, if the Syrians don’t listen to us, you can be sure the Russians will definitely not listen to us. Why should they?
Time to get creative, Madam Secretary, and figure out what we can do, instead of regurgitating “rehearsed” arguments about what we can’t do. A good place to start would be to get rid of the we’re so helpless rhetoric. | May 31, 2012
Clinton Rejects Military Option In Syria, Following Houla Massacre
U.S. Secretary of State says that unlike Libya, Syrian air defense is stronger, society is more diverse and opposition is not unified.
By Reuters
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at a joint press conference with Denmark's Foreign Minister in Copenhagen, on May 31, 2012. Photo by AFP
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday laid out arguments against armed intervention in Syria, despite last week's massacre in the town of Houla.
Speaking to Danish students, Clinton got tough questions on what might motivate the United States and other nations to take military action in Syria, where President Bashar Assad is battling a 14-month-old anti-government uprising.
Friday's massacre of more than 100 civilians in Houla, many of them children, has triggered calls for the West to take more robust action in Syria, despite Russian and Chinese opposition.
However, Clinton rehearsed U.S. arguments against armed intervention for now in contrast with Libya, where Western-led air strikes last year helped bring an end to Muammar Gaddafi's rule.
Clinton said Syria had a more diverse society with greater ethnic divisions, no unified opposition, stronger air defenses and a much more capable military than Libya's.
Above all, she stressed there was no international support because of Russian and Chinese opposition at the U.N. Security Council, where they have twice vetoed resolutions on Syria.
"A lot of people are trying to figure out what could be an effective intervention that wouldn't cause more death and suffering," she said, arguing Syria's population density increased the odds of civilian casualties in any armed action.
"We are thinking about all of this. There are all kinds of both civilian and humanitarian and military planning going on but the factors are just not there," she said.
Clinton said she had not given up on the possibility of persuading Russia to support stronger action against the Assad government, saying she had made the case that the chances of a full-blown civil war were higher if the world failed to act.
"The dangers we face are terrible," she said, saying the violence between government forces and pro-Assad militias against the opposition forces would turn into something much worse.
"(That) could morph into a civil war in a country that would be driven by sectarian divides, which could then morph into a proxy war in the region because remember you have Iran deeply embedded in Syria," she said.
"We know it could actually get much worse than it is. The Russians ... keep telling me they don't want to see a civil war and I have been telling them their policy is going to help contribute to a civil war," she said.
Clinton did not describe any alternatives to United Nations-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan's efforts to try to stop the violence.
"We are trying to keep pushing all the pieces to support Kofi Annan as an independent voice because the Syrians are not going to listen to us," she said. "They may listen, maybe, to the Russians, so we have been pushing them."
Original article here.
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Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).