August 30, 2011
Uncle Sucker
“So the U.S. just spent $1 billion to liberate Libya from terrorist rule only to have Libya's new rulers thumb their noses at extraditing the Lockerbie bomber? Explain to us again what we've been doing in Libya” (see piece below).
Rule #1 in Arab World For Dummies: NEVER ever expect gratitude, ‘cause you're never gonna get it.
“If the Obama administration doesn't want to be seen as Uncle Sucker, it must make the Libyan rebels face consequences for their ingratitude.”
Rule #1 in American Presidents For Dummies: An American who says he’s visited 57 states of the United States, with “one left to go,” is either a dunce or a knave. If he's elected President of the U.S., who’s the sucker then?!
As for Uncle Sam not being viewed as "Uncle Sucker”, we're afraid that ship has long sailed... // IBD Editorials | August 29, 2011
Editorial: Libya's Pirates Need Lesson In Gratitude
Leadership: So the U.S. just spent $1 billion to liberate Libya from terrorist rule only to have Libya's new rulers thumb their noses at extraditing the Lockerbie bomber? Explain to us again what we've been doing in Libya.
Presumably, President Obama's slapped-together NATO mission to aid Libya's rebels was to rid that country of its mad-dog dictator, who was a one-man nexus for global terrorism.
From Africa to the Philippines to Colombia, Moammar Gadhafi was the go-to man for global terror, handing out cash, training and safe haven since the 1970s.
But his biggest atrocity was his own: killing 270 innocent people, many of them Americans, in the 1988 bombing of Pan-Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.
Gadhafi's on the run now, but his key man on Lockerbie, Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, remains in a wealthy Tripoli neighborhood, incredibly enough because Libya's new rulers have declared they won't extradite him abroad to face justice.
"Extradition is what Gadhafi did," the National Transition Council's Justice Minister Mohammed al-Alagi said. "We will not give any Libyan citizen to the West."
That's some chutzpah coming from someone who'd be just another dead body in the street or a prisoner dangling from a meat hook had NATO not intervened on his behalf with airstrikes, training and aid since March.
It's even more ungrateful because these rebels have made it clear they expect more military and humanitarian aid from the West.
Libya's National Transitional Council chair Mustafa Abdul Jalil urged NATO at a meeting Monday in Qatar to continue its air campaign against Gadhafi's forces.
"Gadhafi's defiance of the coalition forces still poses a danger, not only for Libya, but for the world. That is why we are calling for the coalition to continue its support," Jalil said.
But with Libya's rebels willfully sheltering one of the world's worst terrorists — the latest report is he's sick, a ruse Libyan officials used to get him prematurely released from a U.K. prison two years ago — it seems they aren't interested in creating a new kind of democratic and law-abiding nation and ridding Libya of the taint of terrorism.
They're just interested in replacing one group of Tripoli pirates with another.
What's outrageous is that President Obama is standing for this.
Is the White House reminding the rebels that the U.S. taxpayers have just shelled out $1 billion to buy their freedom? Or that the U.S. has released several billion in Gadhafi's oil assets abroad for their use? No.
There were plenty of good reasons to object to the NATO involvement in the Libyan rebellion, and perhaps the main one was that the rebels were an unknown quantity. With this refusal to release the Lockerbie bomber, they've shown their colors.
If the Obama administration doesn't want to be seen as Uncle Sucker, it must make the Libyan rebels face consequences for their ingratitude.
Original article here.
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Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).