May 26, 2010
Searching For "Party Space" Near Ground Zero
Imam Feisal Rauf's wife, Daisy Khan, "followed him to the microphone to pitch the planned community facility [aka the Ground Zero mosque] as 'much needed party space and much needed venue space' for the area" (see below).
Want to know how Muslims treat hallowed grounds, burial sites and religious sites/symbols of others? There are many such examples to cite, but here's one we remember well:
"Upon its capture by the Arab Legion [and throughout the Jordanian occupation of eastern Jerusalem (1948-1967)], the Jewish Quarter of the Old City was destroyed and its residents expelled. Fifty-eight synagogues--some hundreds of years old--were destroyed, their contents looted and desecrated. Some Jewish religious sites were turned into chicken coops or animal stalls. The Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, where Jews had been burying their dead for over 2500 years, was ransacked; graves were desecrated; thousands of tombstones were smashed and used as building material, paving stones or for latrines in Arab Legion army camps. The Intercontinental Hotel was built on top of the cemetery and graves were demolished to make way for a highway to the hotel. The Western Wall became a slum area." More here...
Just something for Community Board 1 members and those who support the building of a grand Mosque and "much needed party space" steps away from Ground Zero, to keep in mind.
AND on the Islamic world's never-ending search for "much needed party space," check out this video clip from today's news, on how Israel is preparing...
New York Post | May 26, 2010
NYers Wage Jihad vs. WTC Mosque
By Tom Topousis and Joe Molllica
Angry relatives of 9/11 victims last night clashed with supporters of a planned mosque near Ground Zero at a raucous community-board hearing in Manhattan.
After four hours of public debate, members of Community Board 1 finally voted 29-1 in support of the project. Nine members abstained, arguing that they wanted to table the issue and vote at a later date.
The board has no official say over whether the estimated $100 million mosque and community center gets built. But the panel's support, or lack of it, is considered important in influencing public opinion.
Holding up photos of loved ones killed in the Twin Towers and carrying signs such as, "Honor 3,000, 9/11 -- No mosque!" opponents of the proposed Cordoba House on Park Place called the plan an insult to the terror-attack victims.
"That is a burial ground," said retired FDNY Deputy Chief Al Santora, referring to the fact that victims' remains were scattered for blocks.
Santora's 23-year-old son, Christopher, was the youngest firefighter to die that day.
"I do have a problem with having a mosque on top of the site where [terrorists] can gloat about what they did," said Santora, with his wife, Maureen, by his side.
About 150 people attended the emotional Greenwich Street meeting, were some shouted down others as they took their turns.
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the head of the Cordoba Institute, which is in charge of the project, insisted that the site would help "bridge the great divide" between Muslims and the rest of America.
"We are Americans, we are Muslim Americans," Rauf said. "Many of us were born in the United States. We have no higher aspirations than to bring up our children in peace and harmony in this country."
But the crowd got ugly when he added, "Freedom of assembly is the right of all Americans."
Amid boos, one woman shouted, "Not at the World Trade Center!"
Rauf's wife, Daisy Khan, followed him to the microphone to pitched the planned community facility as "much needed party space and much needed venue space" for the area.
She was roundly booed.
Some audience members preached tolerance for the Muslim leaders.
Before the meeting, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, a supporter of the mosque, stood in front of the site and said, "What we're rejecting here is outright bigotry and hatred."
Catholic priest Kevin Madigan, of St. Peter's Church, which is about a block away, agreed.
"I think they need to establish a place such as this for people of goodwill from mainline Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths so we can come together to talk," Madigan said.
Original article here.
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Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).