Shameful Chapter In American History
The Enemy Within
CAIR 1 - West Point 0
And Away We Go
So Much By So Few
June 17, 2012
One Small Step For Man…
...long overdue for mankind.
Finally someone in DC Land is demanding answers on U.S. government involvement with the Muslim Brotherhood (see below). Finally because members of the MB long ago infiltrated and ingrained themselves in many U.S. government institutions, including the State Department, Pentagon, White House, etc.
It's been one of those widely-known secrets in DC Land, you know, sorta like the identity of 007 Top Secret (shhhh) spy, Valerie Plame, i.e., the so-called CIA covert agent, who graced the cover of Vanity Fair magazine, along with hubby, Joe Wilson IV of blabbermouth fame.
And many good Americans have been sacrificed on the altar of Political-Correctness (our national religion) for daring to speak up about the MB's influence, e.g., Major (USAR) Stephen Coughlin (see here and here).
It’s time for the American public to know the facts, whether it wants to or not, especially since we’ve been down this road before. Multiple times in fact, the most infamous of these times being U.S. inaction throughout the 1990s, with then little-known group, al Qaeda.
The Blaze | June 15, 2012
House Members Demand Answers On Depth Of U.S. Involvement With The Muslim Brotherhood
By Erica Ritz
"Supreme Guide" Mohammed Badie's connections were also mentioned in the letters, because he "openly called for jihad by all 'Arab and Muslim peoples' against the United States" in 2010 (Photo: AP)
Though Osama bin Laden is dead and much of al-Qaeda's leadership has met a similar fate, the global impact of Islamic extremists reaches far beyond the ranks of al-Qaeda.
The Muslim Brotherhood in particular, having been in operation for close to a century, is of distinct concern to many U.S. lawmakers.
With a motto of: "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope," and a commitment by some of its members to "[destroy] Western civilization from within," some politicians are demanding to know the depth of U.S. involvement with the organization– particularly within our intelligence community.
On June 13, five members of Congress including Michele Bachmann (MN-06), Trent Franks (AZ-02), Louie Gohmert (TX-01), Tom Rooney (FL-16) and Lynn Westmoreland (GA-03) sent distinct letters to the Inspectors General of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice and the Department of State with the intention of finding out.
Each letter roughly began:
As you may know, information has recently come to light that raises serious questions about the involvement of organizations and individuals associated with the Muslim Brotherhood in [insert department] activities and policies. Given that the U.S. government has established in federal court that the Muslim Brotherhood's mission in the United States is "destroying Western civilization from within" – a practice the Brothers call "civilization jihad" – we believe that the apparent involvement of those with such ties raises serious security concerns that warrant your urgent attention.
From there, each letter specifies troubling instances in which individuals associated with the organization were given positions of influence within the government, or in the case of the letter to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the time the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper asserted that the Muslim Brotherhood is a "very heterogeneous, largely secular [group], which has eschewed violence."
Congressman Rooney explained: "The Muslim Brotherhood openly calls for violence against the United States, but we're learning that this organization may be infiltrating our ranks, even within our military...We need our top security agencies to investigate thoroughly the degree to which members of this organization are active in our defense and intelligence communities, and what impact that has on our national security."
Concluding with a set of specific questions and requests, the letters end: "Please forward your recommended 'corrective action,' including a discussion of its consistency with the Constitution and laws of the United States, together with your other findings, to the undersigned in unclassified and, if necessary, classified form, within 90 days of your receipt of this letter."
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's website includes each letter, and a number of quotes from the Congressmen who sent them.
Bachmann declared: "The national security of our country depends on getting straight answers from the Inspectors General to the questions we posed in these letters...The Muslim Brotherhood is not shy about their call for jihad against the United States. We seek answers through these letters because we will not tolerate this group and its affiliates holding positions of power in our government or influencing our nation's leaders."
Original article here.
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Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).