January 7, 2009
Useful Idiot From the CIA (no less)
The genius below was head of the "Bin Laden Desk" at the CIA during the Clinton administration, i.e., precisely the time al-Qaeda was born, nurtured and grew up to be on 9/11 and today.
Aside from the fact that Michael Scheuer is a certified anti-Semite, he also happens to be ignorant (yes, the two go hand in hand).
"America has no genuine national security interests at stake in either Israel or Palestine; if they both disappeared tomorrow the welfare of Americans and the security of their country would not be impacted a lick," says Scheuer.
Oh really? Israel has the dubious honor of being on the front line of the war against Islamic fundamentalism, but perhaps Scheuer would like America to assume that honor?
As for the "expert" question of Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. - i.e., "how many of the groups on which Israel provides intelligence would be gunning for the United States if it wasn't supporting Israel?" - someone oughta tell this "expert" questioner, as well as fellow creep Scheuer, that in the Arab/Muslim world Israel is considered Little Satan but America is Big Satan.
Nevertheless, here's an expert question for Messrs. Freedberg Jr. and Scheuer: How many of the Islamic groups terrorizing the West today would be gunning for the U.S. if it weren't a democracy? Pershaps we should contemplate changing our way of life, so that al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and other such delightful groups will leave us alone...or not.
Is it any wonder that al-Qaeda grew up to be what it is today on Scheuer's (and the Clinton administration's) watch?
National Journal Expert Blogs | January 5, 2009
Michael F. Scheuer, Senior Fellow, Jamestown Foundation
Israel is not only an unnecessary and self-made liability for the United States, it is an untreated and spreading cancer on our domestic politics, foreign policy, and national security. America has no genuine national security interests at stake in either Israel or Palestine; if they both disappeared tomorrow the welfare of Americans and the security of their country would not be impacted a lick. The Arab-Israeli religious war is a war that properly belongs solely to Israelis and Arabs; let them fight each other to the death with no interference in favor of either side from the United States. The continued, automatic, and idiotic identification of U.S. national interests as identical with Israel's made by our bipartisan political elite, the media, and those U.S. citizens who prefer Israeli to American security is only earning Americans deeper hatred and more wars with Muslims. There is no question that Israel has every right in the world to militarily defend itself to whatever extent it deems necessary, but neither Israel, the United States, nor any other nation has a "right" to exist. Nation-states survive if they can vanquish their enemies. The democratically elected Israeli govermment is right to try to vanquish Hamas; and the democratically elected Hamas regime has every right to try do the same to Israel. The point to keep squarely in view is that it does not matter to America's security who emerges the winner.
Original blog here.
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Notable Quotables
"Mr. Netanyahu is one of the most media-savvy politicians on the planet. On Friday he appeared live via video link on 'Real Time with Bill Maher,' taking the host’s alternately sardonic and serious line of questioning with gazelle-like alacrity."
~ Anthony Grant, jourrnalist who has written for many major newspapers and worked in television at Paris and Tel Aviv, interviewing former PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, at the outset of Mr. Netanyahu's new book (more here).