As We See It

Genteel Wars?

March 17, 2011

The release of CIA agent/contractor Raymond Davis, in return for blood money, reflects a recognition of the importance of the strategic relationship between America & Pakistan. Oh real...


The "Other" Side

March 17, 2011

In our ongoing effort to be fair & balanced, below is a piece from the "other" side. As a reminder, there are two sides to the national security debate, i.e., the knowledgable &...


Heartwarming Capture

March 14, 2011

Once again, the Israelis intercept a Gaza-bound "aid" flotilla laden with tons of goodwill and goodies for the kids...


Those Ever Lovin' "Freedom Fighters"

March 9, 2011

Ah yes, to all those who wax poetic about the 'freedom' uprisings or 'democracy' riots taking place in the Arab Middle East, behold the latest and greatest from those ever lovin' ...


Whodunnit Mystery Solved!

March 1, 2011

You'll never guess who's behind the riots in the Arab world?!



February 28, 2011

As British and German military planes secretly swooped into the Libyan desert to evacuate their citizens from chaotic Libya, superpower America arranged for a broken down ferry...
