As We See It

Iran Outfitting Planes For Suicide Runs

February 12, 2012

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Iran has been outfitting its small, fast patrol aircraft in the Strait of Hormuz with large warheads for suicide runs at US vessels, and the Obama administration is...


Syria Using Human Shields On Tanks

February 12, 2012

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Syrian forces are using civilians as human shields, placing them on tanks to prevent opposition forces from fighting back. Sadly, however, the barbarity of the Syrians is not a new thing...


Calling On Joe Wilson, 4th

February 11, 2012

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Libya wants Niger to hand over one of Muammar Qaddafi's son, Al-Saadi Qaddafi, who fled to Niger after Tripoli fell to rebels. Memo to Libyans: If you have any problems with...


Loose Lips & Big Mouths

February 10, 2012


Yes, indeed, one must wonder why "senior US officials" (allergies and all) would act against US national security interests. But then again, one must also wonder why...


Ayatollah Hitler

February 8, 2012

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A document written by Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's "strategy specialist" and published on a website with close ties to the Ayatollah, has outlined a death "doctrine" for the Jews...


Waiting for Godot

February 8, 2012

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As the Arab world burns, Egypt holds American citizens hostage, and Iran's rhetoric and nuclear weapons program move forward unabated, guess what the "international community" (including the U.S.) is doing?
